Where do the JW's pull their statistics from?

by stillstuckcruz 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillstuckcruz

    I noticed how, of course, the public talk outlines contain the same information for all the brothers to use. But their statistics on matter aren't very up-to-date I imagine.

    EXAMPLE: I remember the talk about parents or young people or something. Many of you may remember the statistic it provides. The one that says that parents fathers spend an average of like 8 minutes a day or less with their children and some other number I can't recall. But then check this out...an article entitled "Parents have tripled quality time spent with kids".


    Where do they get their statistics from and do they ever update their talk outlines?

    P.S. My father gives this particular talk seemingly every month. And I know I've heard those numbers about a million times for years.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Talk outlines are updated RARELY. They used to get their statistics from the United Nations Library back when they were members but now they just keep recycling the old numbers since crime, delinquency, family problems, and most other social problems are down. They don't want to admit the world is a better place today than it was forty or fifty years ago.

  • MrFreeze

    Most of the time?

  • stillstuckcruz

    Lol @ mrfreeze. I was just waiting for someone to post a picture like this. :P

  • Scully

    milton henschel's dead ass. I'm sure of it.

  • DanaBug

    What Witness would check if the statistics are accurate? God's channel and all Never doubt it! Even if it sounds incredible.

  • stillstuckcruz

    True True DanaBug. They read off the paper while adding their own little subthoughts. Are they even allowed to use Google or another site to find experiences and statistics? Or only those provided through their publications? I never bothered to look at my dad's outlines.

  • WontLeave

    Never believe any JW statistics, experts, or experiences. They blatantly twist statistics and shop around for the ones they want. They'll use any crackpot who agrees with their ridiculous ideas. When they can't find anyone at all, they'll say things like "experts agree" or "many in the field", which means they believe it and see themselves as experts. Of course, many of the "experiences" are completely fabricated, which is why - in my opinion - the names are changed and the area where they live is vague. This way, nobody can verify the outlandish claims. Most of the interviews are with people right at Bethel, who are nearly all hard-line cult nutters or they wouldn't be there in the first place.

  • stillstuckcruz

    Most of the interviews are with people right at Bethel, who are nearly all hard-line cult nutters or they wouldn't be there in the first place.

    ^I agree with this. I'm sure tha even if a story was similar to the way it actually happened, I'm sure they are so twisted and no where near the interviewees actual words.


    Its not just the statistics they pick and choose from

    what about science?

    They will dismiss carbon dating that shows many has been around much longer than 6000 years by saying that all scientists are "demonized and worldy" but they they will use whatever scientitific study (usually outdated) that suites their claim about something else.

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