Went to my first ex-JW meetup last night!

by sd-7 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    wow,,I can just 'hear' your zest for life picking up. I am glad you are 'moving on up' to real life. So glad you have found a group or two to help in this new transition.

    I guess your box of Watchtower literature will just have to be burned for firewood, as the JWs will fear it's all demonized now because maybe you 'touched' it.

    We had a small ex-JW group Meetup here in Phoenix last night also. Seven of us. I always enjoy our unique chats and our good humor too.

    Best wishes. We don't have to worry about you any more! You will just fine.

  • cantleave

    I am delighted for you SD7. See there is a real life outside the borg.

    You are doing all the right things now to move forward. There will still be some frustrations and disappointments along the way, but the true freedom, the ability to be the real you will comensate for those.

    Keep on the broad Road my friend - and enjoy the ride.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Good for you sd-7.

    Have a nice easter .


  • nugget

    I am glad to hear such a positive experience. I am glad you are getting out there and meeting people it will help you to move on and start rebuilding your life.

  • sd-7

    Thanks, everyone. And serenitynow!, I shall try not to overthink things. Perhaps the best is yet to come. I'm sitting here glued to the computer, when I should be getting out to do the stuff I need to do today. "It's my day off." Just wanted to share my happy feelings here, is all.


  • sherah

    This is great news! You sound hopeful and positive, you will be fine.

  • ballistic

    Sounds like a totally "upbuilding" experience ;) I know my first meetup in the UK was and I've been over there to the USA as well.

  • zoiks

    A foray out of your comfort zone, with happifying results. Well done!

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I went on a gun-shooting outing with a few Ex-JWs a few years ago. We brought along some JW literature and used them as targets. You should see what 12 ga, 00 buckshot will do to a Kingdom Melodies book at close range, not to mention what a .300 Winchester Magnum slug will do to a New World Translation. Blew it completely apart! I've got pics somewhere. Good stuff.

  • jamiebowers
    " a short black guy or a giant skinhead!" Sounds like an interesting idea for a couple of new superhero's.

    Giordano, that's funny! SD-7, that might not be a bad idea..the next dynamic duo: the short black guy and the giant skinhead...OMG!

    And I didn't mean to scare you about the divorce support group. I just want you to be careful. Now, listen to me and call your grandma about Easter dinner.

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