Dude, what an awful story. How insulting can a person get? And the kicker is that when JWs do this kind of stuff, they don't even realize just how insulting it is. What gets my blood boiling is that they constantly refer to the term 'conscience matter' when it comes to situations like this. What that really means is that it's not about the individual's conscience, it's about making personal decisions based on the conscience of the person most likely to be judgmental and easily offended. It's really f'ed up.
Cruel Hearted People
by EXMS 39 Replies latest jw experiences
THE BROOKLYN LOSERS must be so proud of the rules of christianity they've legislated on their followers. I HAVE TO SAY, i've never in my life been around a bigger class of social misfits as JWs --- as a group and the way they treat humanity as a whole. no wonder they need their own bible/literature --- decent humans don't learn this way.
Same thing happened to me...I was a witness and got married to a non witness who was studying in NY. We had been married 4 months and we decide to visit my witness father in GA. He was totally cool with what I did etc. Since we got married at a justice of the peace in NY he wanted to have a little wedding reception. So he spent money on invitations and lots of money on food, drink etc. No one in the hall in Atlanta said a word about it. All was going according to normal. Then 2 days before the Elders have a meeting and decide to not attend. They convinced the servants to do so too. We were expecting 150 people. 22 showed up.
That is just one of many bricks that built the house for me to leave the cult.
Most loving people in the whole world, and happiest too.
What a JOKE.
Seen this many times before.
Sad but true.
Botzwana- whoa, that's cold-hearted. Sorry to hear they would do that! Wow.I hope they didn't ruin your special day. If anything, you got to see who they truly are. Two-faced sociopaths...
When my brother got married, he sent an invitation to our home, addressed to my daughter and niece. And they wonder why I chose to get married in another state.
I had similar experience. I also only occ get funeral notices -even for folks I have known all my life. It is painful.
Sorry this happened to you.
He has lost a good friend in you. I hope he sees it one day.
Perhaps Witnesses make it a deal because there are so few ways to be genuinely "persecuted", otherwise knowing as pissing off non-JW relatives, here in North America.
So true!!! I often felt it was sometimes a personal thing also..like when my JW sis in law in NY decided for everyone that me being disassociated would be a bad influence and may stumble someone if I attended my Mother and Father in laws (JW's) 50 wedding anniversary party being held for JW's and non JW relatives at a local banquet hall here in Mo. ..
Seemed she asked "some brother" at HER local KH in NY and they advised her of that..course that was after I had already received a personal invitation from the people at the KH my JW in laws attended in Missouri. The witnesses there had asked their brothers earlier if it was OK to associate with me and were told yes just not to talk about religion with me. This was after they had asked for and received a copy of my disassociation letter I wrote back in 1975. I guess it depends on which KH you ask at. I always felt it was a personal thing.. seems that both their two sons that were raised in the religion later were disfellowshipped..I bet the rules were changed regarding associating with them (their sons)
Just to add: My JW hubby and three adult children refused to go to the party because I was excluded!..
I later found out his parents wondered what happened to us ...no one told them until later..they just said "Oh"...Snoozy..
I'm sorry you had to go through that.