As the title asks, does this mean that the person has been disfellowship on the basis on what the WB&TS considers as a sin or would this more like the person no longer wants to be a JW?
Quick question, what does it mean when its announced that someone is no longer a Jehovah's witness?
by Joey Jo-Jo 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Joey Jo-Jo
13 views, I take that was a dum question.
Not a dumb question Joey Jo-Jo. Give it some time, you'll get an answer.
I've been out of the JW loop for quite some time but I think that announcement could mean either the person was disfellowshipped or has disassociated themselves. Either way the person is no longer a JW.
Perhaps someone who knows for sure will step in and let us know....
The announcement is the same for both disfellowshipping and disassociation. The end result is the same for both. You'll be shunned immediately.
Ok, JJJ, I'm not a JW but my Dad is and so are some other family members. My understanding is that it means you are disfellowshipped and that the members are to treat you as though you are dead. I am not sure how this works when a family member you live with is DF'd.
No one will answer any of my questions about my uncle's DF'ing back in the early '90s. He finally reinstated himself because he wanted to see his dead daughter in Paradise ... or wherever. Yeah, whatever.
Murray Smith
I believe the announcement avoids the use of the word "disfellowshipped" because the Society has declared in some countries that they do not practice disfellowshipping in order to appease the authorities. Honest buggers eh?
Thank you for your responses, Highlander and Murray Smith. Didn't realize they announced the DA's too. Yeah, they sure are honest... (choking now!... reaching for my coffee... ahhhh...that's better.)
They do the same announcement for DF'd and DA'd but people seem to assume it's DF'd. I mean, why would anyone voluntarily leave?
After my announcement was read (DA) the few people that still talk to me told me they heard I got DF'd. One is inactive and the other three go to different halls so they all heard it rhough the grapevine. I told them I DA'd and they still talk to me. They are the only true friends I made in the org.
Murray Smith
Good point WWIT . . . it obscures the numbers voluntarily leaving as opposed to being dirty little sinners and getting kicked out . . . a high volume of voluntary leavers doesn't look good on the books
It is an announcement designed to humiliate and stop peaple asking questions. It means that all df'd and DA'd people are lumped together and the congregation is unaware of why the action was taken. This means that Child molesters can remain unknown and that people who leave for a principle never have their stand acknowledged. That way the rank and file are kept controlled.
The JWs will argue that essentially it is the sin of unrepentance that is being punnished but really this is a weak excuse.