I'm starting to rethink my position on organized religion

by sabastious 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    An atheist might argue that since spirituality does not exist the only way to grow is to let go of your spirituality.

    Saying "spirituality doesn't exist" is like saying "humor doesn't exist." Neither can be fully defined therefore do not exist within the realm of language. We all know that the realm of language is not baseline reality, but rather something that comes from reality.


  • thetrueone

    Wasn't the human endeavor to strengthen ones own spiritual strength, a provocative enemy to all human survival and life experience ?

    The more individually zestful one is into gaining spiritual aspiration, the more apathetically inhuman we become.

    Use the men of the WTS. as an example if you wish.

  • cantleave

    You can't tell me that when you climb to the top of the highest mountain you have ever climbed you won't contemplate, even if a little, "Why?"

    At my age and lebel of fitness, if I make to the top of a mointain, i'm just greatful my heart is beating!

    Is my reaslisation that I am so inginificant in the scheme of things really "sprituality"?

  • sabastious
    Is my reaslisation that I am so inginificant in the scheme of things really "sprituality"?

    I could give you the opinion that I have on that, but the real value lies in the question itself because the answer varies from culture to culture and community to communtiy.


  • Nickolas

    Saying "spirituality doesn't exist" is like saying "humor doesn't exist." Neither can be fully defined therefore do not exist within the realm of language. We all know that the realm of language is not baseline reality, but rather something that comes from reality.

    I suppose it goes to how you define spirituality, Sab. Humour is manifest, spirituality is not, at least not to me. How does one recognise spirituality in someone?

  • sabastious
    I suppose it goes to how you define spirituality, Sab. Humour is manifest, spirituality is not, at least not to me. How does one recognise spirituality in someone?

    Humor is more easily seen and accepted that is all. Each of us laughs at different things for different reasons, but we don't usually fight over what's funny and what is not (at least not militantly). That's because there is a general consensus that humor is relative to the individual or group. Contrary to popular opinion spirituality works the same way it just has more of a stigma attached to it.


  • sabastious

    If I were to go out on a limb I would say "human spirituality" is whatever the individual finds important within his/her current state of being. Then again I hate trying to define such things because language is such a poor medium.


  • Heaven

    I do not respect nor wish to be a part of the legacy that has been perpetrated on mankind by organized religion. I have never found it to be a necessity in my life and I prefer the freedom of my own creativity and that of others of like mind over the rigidity, control, manipulation, and evil that has been drawn to and put forth by these organizations. You just need one nut job at the top or in a position of power and influence and everyone will be drinking the kool aid.

  • cantleave

    "human spirituality" is whatever the individual finds important within his/her current state of being.

    I like that Sab

  • Nickolas

    I like it, too, but it does it not mean that spirituality can be reconised only in oneself?

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