How did you guys feel about going door-to-door? Even true Christians have fears of rejection, not being able to answer, etc. when witnessing. It must also be sickening to realize you have wasted time, money, life in a false religion and now wonder about the possibility of God's anger forever or no other viable option? I would be devastated, angry, confused, etc. It would be hard to trust anyone (guys like me) or anything again. Once burned, twice shy. Good, sincere people can be deceived, but some things are a consequence for not listening to the warnings of the Spirit/Word or investigating all sides before jumping in (in the internet age, there is no excuse to become or remain a JW, Mormon, Muslim, etc.).
Truly Jesus (Lord God) is the only one who can heal, deliver, save, set free, give abundant/eternal life. His yoke is easy and burden light. Come to Him all you who are weary/thirsty. Flee false religion, no matter what the cost.