Just had a JW lady at the door and boy can she lie or has no clue!

by donny 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    JW - . . . I think you're confused . . .

    That is hilarious!

    Good question donny . . . "I have to get going" . . . ideal response

  • laverite

    Donny - I love it. YOU are the one confused...Not the JWs. Yeah, right.

  • jeckle

    And they got to get going always they knock on your door and you slip them up and suddenly they're busy. But you weren't busy before they came over unannounced. just saying

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    You asked what is up with going to the door by herself, where I live it is done all the time now. I have not a clue why but it is. Even going on return visits is done by yourself.

    One of the last times I went out in service about two years ago this very very very strong ex elder who wants to be an elder again but is still very powerful in the hall would drive up way into the driveway and then tell you to get out and go the the RV alone. His reasoning was that the time we have left to preach is so short and being it takes more time for two to get out then one, it was giving us more time to talk to more people having only one go to the door.

    The driving way up into their householders driveway seemed really rude to me and I know a couple of the home owners looked ticked off by it.

    It totally made no sense and going door to door we have to GO ALONE NOW period by mandate of this want to be elder. Most of the other elders just go along with him so as to not cause waves.


  • OnTheWayOut

    It's total ignorance, not lies.

    Donny, you and I and the most ignorant people on JWN know more JW doctrine than that JW knew.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Donny also I forgot to add great work, it is still so totally amazing to me what we used tobelieve.

    I sadly would have been just like that sister as I did not know how to answer people like you at the door. I truly hated field service as I always felt that it was so rude to go to someones door and tell them what they have believed their whole lives was wrong and they had to become a JW to be saved or God was going to kill them. No one else seemed to think it was rude but I always did.

    I was also never really trained in how to talk door to door, instead I was told to just use some canned speech from a KM. Like that would cut it with someone who truly knew their Bible?

    Cult Classic

    I know only too well what you are dealing with in having family still in, your right they want their minds to keep being blinded. It is all so sad.

    Again it was great what you did Donny.


  • pirata

    I think she had no clue.

    Before I started my "apostate" reasearch, all the "blah blah blah" about prophecy and dates in the Watchtower, Revelation, Daniel and Isaiah books went over my head. I didn't see the need to memorize this stuff. Admittedly, I wasn't the greatest of a Bible student. I was more about following the rules, and feeling good that I was serving God and that I got praise for good talks and such from my brothers and sisters. I guess I figured (right or wrong) that the way to make "spiritual progress" was to follow the rules, attend the meetings, read 4 pages of the bible daily, and go in service. I used to feel annoyed when other brothers and sisters didn't follow the rules.

    Now that I have done my "apostate" research, I know all about the organizations history, I know a lot more about the Bible, and what exactly it is that JWs believe.

    It's good you gave her something to think about. Maybe she will go home or discuss in the car group what the "1919" you were talking about is.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think she had no clue.

    Honestly, I think most have no clue when it comes to WT chronology/prophecy. They have just been lured into the "have your own pet lion in Paradise" club. Many people are looking for a better life, and that is what they are promised. It's a very small circle within that dig into the deeper things, and when they do -- BAM! right between the eyes! I think it takes something of a catalyst to make them start looking.

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