I just being told by an JW of the new tab on the UN web page... Peace and Security... What gives and what do they claim now? Is the UN crying "Peace and Security" on their eyes?
www.un.org New Tab: Peace and Security What gives?
by _Atlas 11 Replies latest jw friends
The phrase "Peace and Security" is JW ear-porn.
That phrase has been used by many people and organizations for millenia... but JWs still get a boner every time they hear it.
Oh boy maybe this means millions now living will die!
Yes this must mean that prophecy has now come to fluishion and the END is surely upon us.
Praise Jesus ......Amen
You know throughout human history many ruling civilizations ( kingdoms, countries... etc. ) claimed peace and security for its
inhabitants, occurring mostly after a war between another country or civilization.
Nan ...... I'm just being stupid
The ancient Israelites knew well that in to 2000 years into the future there would be an organization that would try
and resolve problems between counties so that they could avoid wars and address problems within those specific countries.
The UN is certainly an organization Satan's doing, thats perfectly clear to see.
So... where they just trying to get my brain rebooted by using the secret passcode?
Creating propaganda supposedly supported by the bible is what the WTS does and has been doing since its inception.
You know it might be just that its a publishing house trying attract attention to its literature and propagate the proliferation
of which they produce........ummmmm !
They sure aren't declaring there is peace and security! I guess the end isn't yet.
From the front page:
In the News
The Watchtower Corporation = commercialized bullshit presented with pretentious religious virtue and honesty
Justitia Themis
Nothing gives. They have always had the tab; the term is part of their original charter.
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
- To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
The WTS are quite cunning and devious when trying to legitimize itself openly toward the public.
Creating information that supports their supposed End Time Doctrines is really not that hard of a thing to do,
you simply find the information you want to use and disregard the rest.
Its called intensional selectivity.