its now Tuesday Publishing Cult, has Rick emailed you the church group audio that he promised?
Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax
by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult
Did Rick know that Johnny was a fraud? I think so. Were the two of them in on it together? One can only conclude based on the next clip from the 4/9/11 that the two of them were in on it together. Here, we have Lilly asking Johnny whether his voice is being disguised for the purpose of the conference call, to which Johnny can distinctly be heard saying, "no, not really" while Rick is interrupting and talking over him to confirm that Johnny's voice is indeed being disguised. Why would Johnny lie? Johnny would know whether he himself was disguising his voice, and he says, "no not really".
Clip 3
I asked Rick about this during the last conference call on 4/23/11, and Rick said Johnny was disguising his voice on Johnny's end. Rick suggested he was muffling the mouthpeice of the phone . . . erm, like the old hanky over the mouthpeice trick you see in old movies, lol.I'm glad that you and Lilly called them on this. I've been asking Rick about his "voice changer" claim since the original "Johnny" thread. So if I got you right, Rick is now saying that he didn't disguise Johnny's voice but that Johnny was the one muffling his own voice? I'd like to hear the audio of this.
On the original call, he made the claim that the voices were being altered electronically (as he says you could request to have him use a voice changer) and that Johnny's true voice in particular was not being broadcast:
"Don't get paranoid, Mary, ... I certainly appreciate the anonymity, no one's going to find out who you are, don't worry about that, we have a lot of people that are coming in here tonight listening, they don't want to speak up and talk, but for those that do, here is an excellent opportunity, we have a lady that has just managed to wiggle her way out of the Watchtower, her name is Mary, that's the name we're going with, that's not her real name, in fact her voice is being actually synthesized here so its not even her real voice, and also Johnny his real voice is not being allowed to be brought out here tonight on this call as well, so he's hiding in a closet at Bethel" (241:53) "When you get back and listen to these calls the voice is a little different than what would normally be had, so nobody's gonna recognize you, no names were given, so I don't want you to worry about that." (246:43) "If you want the voice changer I could give you that, you could muffle your voice, whatever you want, no one's gonna recognize ya" (283:55)
I was floored when I heard Rick claim this because Johnny had made no request on the air to have his voice altered, Rick said that his call was a complete surprise, and his voice had been consistent since he called in. Much the same could be said of Mary. It was also startling because someone had just asked Johnny just a few moments earlier about the possibility of his voice being recognized: "Did you know that Rick's phone conversation is being recorded on his website and are you afraid that your colleages will intercept your voice on his website?" (230:55). In reply, Johnny did not say anything about muffling his own voice or that Rick was electronically altering his voice so that it would be disguised. Nothing at all about it. Instead he simply said that he's the only person who monitors the Six Screens website, so its unlikely that anyone else at Bethel will listen to his call when it is posted to the Six Screens site. Rick also did not chime in to tell the caller that Johnny's voice was being disguised. Only later, when Mary wanted Rick to delay posting the call to his website for Johnny's and her safety, did Rick make the claim that their voices were being altered. And now you are reporting that Rick now claims that it was just a matter of Johnny muffling his voice? Well, if that was the case, how did Rick know this when he made the claim that Johnny's voice was being disguised? Johnny had made no such statement.
its now Tuesday Publishing Cult, has Rick emailed you the church group audio that he promised?
Of course he did not. Not surprised.
I'm glad that you and Lilly called them on this. I've been asking Rick about his "voice changer" claim since the original "Johnny" thread. So if I got you right, Rick is now saying that he didn't disguise Johnny's voice but that Johnny was the one muffling his own voice? I'd like to hear the audio of this.
I had never listened to any of the Johnny tapes before 4/09/11. Within five minutes of listening to Johnny blather on about his job at bethel and the blatant contradiction and confusion about whether his voice was being disquised, I knew it was all complete and utter bullshit.
Has Rick posted any videos of his memorial protest that he calimed was a huge success?
Instead of feeding him the attention, can't we just go back to the way it was? Ignore him. Pretend he's that not-quite-right uncle that shows up at the family reunions but everyone kinda avoids him 'cause he creeps you out.
Undercover makes a very good point.
Joey Jo-Jo
great job PC, so that phone call was your ace, I wonder if that stooge on this board bugging you had anything to do with it.
Rick seems to have a history of exaggerated promotions on his website
Has anyone thought of this... and I know this sounds like somewhere between paranoia and conspiracy theory...
Could it be possible for the "society" to perpetrate a sophisticated campain of internet presence against themselves that
lacks credibility, sounds over the top, gives the impression it is being run by crazy people, contains easily falsifiable imformation and
fake JW contacts, just in order to discredit the entire internet presence of apostates?
just a thought... carry on...
The difference between JWN and sick screens, is
when you go to the " best of topics " section on JWN
that info is etched in stone solid as a rock and can be
backed up. Sick screens is over the top wishy washy
and needs to be avoided by any self respecting apostate
like I said before, a mans word is either solid as a rock
or like shiftin' sand, either way his word represents who is
Pams girl
Has Rick posted the massive success he had at the Memorial?
Paula x