Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax
by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult
It's a bit embarrassing that you alerted bethel to this sordid affair. If they have paid any attention to it as a result they are probably laughing at the dishonesty of certain "apostates" involved in the hoax, and the gullibility of others who despite themselves are flattering Rick by helping him keep the story going.
Farkel recently pointed out, I believe, that they must laugh at the Fearons out there, but are scared to death of people like Barb Anderson. Fearon is no kind of a threat to the WTBTS. As stated by many, Fearon fits perfectly the stereotypical apostate as described by the WTBTS in the first place. Rick gives a lot of credibility to their assertions about apostates.
The head of IT at Bethel did say that people like Fearon and Johnny are "a blip on the screen". I doubt if he is even an annoyance to them.
Rick gives a lot of credibility to their assertions about apostates.
The best rumors are the ones that's are based in truth. Thanks rick for giving the Watchtower some serious weaponry.
wasblind, got it and responded to it. Peace, Lil
The best rumors are the ones that's are based in truth. Thanks rick for giving the Watchtower some serious weaponry. -Sab
Indeed, and the best lies are mere variations of the truth. The WTBTS has been practicing this game for a long time.
To me, Rick's manner is so JW elderesque as though he were presiding over a the JW bookstudy group. He learned and has carried all the tricks of the disinformation trade out of the organization with him upon his sensationalized exodus.
Outlaw you got another PM
Lil I sent you another PM
Got it thanks!
All this Johnny stuff was entertaining at the least with Johnny getting a Golden Raspberry award. I thought it was odd from the start for him to call out of a closet for secresy but yet tell his function in bethel. Yeah Rick is responsible for the constant promotion of him though the red flags were quite vibrant. I think all the attacks and bashing on Rick got out of hand. For me I'm leaving the old man alone because life as I know now is way to short to fester on problems with others. Hey PC you should be a Investigative reporter for Fox news or better yet get a segment on ABC news like John Stossel had with "Give Me a Break". PC is that your normal voice on the regular or just for these purposes. I can't imagine you sounding like that goin to Starbucks, at the DMV, ordering at a restaurant, or calling to complain of bad service......LOL
Hey PC you should be a Investigative reporter for Fox news or better yet get a segment on ABC news like John Stossel had with "Give Me a Break". PC is that your normal voice on the regular or just for these purposes. I can't imagine you sounding like that goin to Starbucks, at the DMV, ordering at a restaurant, or calling to complain of bad service......LOL
Ha ha, I see what you are saying. Let me put this way; I was pretty much incapable of anything that could even remotely be identified as fluent intelligable speech for the majority of my life, and thank you for your nice compliment considering the obstacles I've had to overcome. I've been told I have the perfect sort of face for broadcasting. ;)
Hi Spook!
How is this for a logical rebuttal; your statement presupposes that the history of Jehovah's Witnesses and the WTBTS has been free from bitter contentions, hostile corporate takeovers, debates, petty intrigues, witch hunts, child molestors, child molestor coverups, abuse of power, bitter arguments, disagreements, betrayals, lies, scandals, flipflops in doctrine . . . did I miss anything . . . ?
Edited to include coercion, emotional blackmail, extortion, fraud, corruption, and bloodguilt.
Everyone here can pretty much attest to the fact that the Johnny controversy and our debate here is pethetically diminutive compared to mad-cap antics of JW's and the GB of JW's.
Logically, then, your statement is fallacious.
Jehovah's Organization has been free from bitter contentions. Those that divided off (Pyramidologists for example) from the organization early in the 20th century did not remain in God's word.
And so Jesus went on to say to the Jews that had believed him: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32
There's been some non-trivial adjustments to doctrine but true religion has a consistent pattern of corresponding to universal truth. Some opposers tend to cherry pick through older publications for a mistaken viewpoint they try and exploit for self-serving purposes while ignoring core Bible truths the Watchtower Society has taught for many decades. A prior mistaken viewpoint that has been corrected doesn't change the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses teach the truth about the Bible nor does it mean a person doesn't have an accounting before God.
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we shall receive heavier judgment. For we all stumble many times. If anyone does not stumble in word, this one is a perfect man, able to bridle also [his] whole body. James 3:1-2
As for the other accusations you mouthed off, these accusations are nothing but baseless apostate propaganda. If anyone wants to know the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses, they can be visited in person at any local Kingdom Hall in spite of the baseless slander of apostates. Cyberghost communities have little to offer in the way of credibility.
You don't think I'm dumb enough to put up my own picture do you? Sorry if I shattered your dreams.......... MarySomeone must have a lot to hide. The apostate agenda is generally secretive with little to offer in the way credibility. PM me for my real name and congregation. I have nothing to hide.