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Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax
by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult
Lilly, Rick did not want to play the church audio on the program (out of respect for the Cruz family, yeah right) because he knew others would hear the manuever to embarrass you in front of the others at church and on the line.
He still has not kept his word. My inbox is still empty.
PC are you still planning on having a regular exjw radio show?
PC are you still planning on having a regular exjw radio show? -Sab
Yes. I am still looking into host sites for the show. I will post details once I have my act together.
Yes. I am still looking into host sites for the show. I will post details once I have my act together.
Cool. Good luck!
Thanks :) I appreciate it.
Thats how I feel too. Why ask someone a Q that you already know the answer to? Why bring it up in church to begin with? The only thing I am realizing is that Shiela was an innoncent in that situation. I have underlined it because she does read this board. I don't think she could sense Rick's motives for bringing up the johnny thing at church and then lying about it later on this board and on the call by saying he had "no idea what happened on the call, cuz he was in bed".
He used Shiela to bring up the topic. He should have waited until after church then called me and if he had questions for me or wanted to see why I was skeptical of johnny, he could have addressed it then, in private.
My whole thought all along was that his motives were to embarass me by bringing up the incident at church. Maybe I am wrong, maybe he is just so inapproprate and self centered he really doesn't "see" how his actions affect others.
But at the same time, I keep going back to the same question in my head; if Rick had no false motives, why did he pretend he knew nothing about what went on the previous night?
We will see if Rick listens to the tape of 4/9 and comes up with an explanation for why Johnny says he called Rick. But I won't be holding my breath about it.
Yes, I completely concur that Rick put Sheila on the spot . . . and if she was not such a sycophant, she would have responded as you did- that it wasn't an appropriate time and place to discuss it. Rick knew if he asked her, she would be jubulent to tattle and dish. It was compulsive, I'm sure. I still have not heard the audio, but I already know it was a ploy to embarrass you.
I think Shiela really means well. I did listen to the 4/9 call again and I may have been too hasty lumping her in with Mary and Joe, those two are the real psychopaths. Joe proves this too during last Saturday's call when his head is so far up Rick's arse I am surprised he was able to breath, hee,hee.
I think Shiela is just a little naive concerning Rick. However, I have not apologized to her concerning that call because she started off the church incident with a lie. (oh yeah, "mistake")
How many followers does Rick have? How many of them accompanied him during his much vauntedmemorial protest? How successful was the protest? How do you define "successful"? Has anyone seen video footage of it? Has Time magazine contacted him? Is he up for "Apostate of the Year" award? How much personal insight does he have? How empathic is the man? Should we feel sorry for him?
Somehow, regardless of the answers to these questions, I suspect the limited number of JWs who know of this man are laughing about his assorted behaviours - which is understandable, given his tendency to overinflate what he "intends" to do and, afterwards, overpraise his efforts.
Yes, the Watchtower foundations are really shaking - but not due to any sense of imminent collapse but due to collectively uncontrollable laughter.