Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax

by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult

  • Tempered

    PublishingCult, you need a

    1) job

    2) boyfriend

    3) girlfriend

    4) all of the above

  • Morbidzbaby

    Your drivel isn't worth a logical comeback. I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. My response to you proves nothing but the fact that I'm tired of your rantings and it would be a waste of MY brain cells to even attempt to engage yours.

  • cantleave

    Alice - don't get united and brain dead confused.

  • Mary


    Oh Christ. Is this idiot back yet again???

  • SuperSpook
    Alice - don't get united and brain dead confused.

    w94 2/1 p. 9 par. 4 Divine Teaching Triumphs

    Gaining the wisdom that results from divine teaching calls for diligent use of our God-given thinking faculties. This is possible because the human brain has tremendous potential. Says the book The Incredible Machine: “Even the most sophisticated computers that we can envision are crude compared to the almost infinite complexity and flexibility of the human brain—qualities made possible by its intricate, calibrated system of electrochemical signals. . . . The millions of signals flashing through your brain at any moment carry an extraordinary load of information. They bring news about your body’s inner and outer environments: about a cramp in your toe, or the aroma of coffee, or a friend’s funny comment. As other signals process and analyze information, they produce certain emotions, memories, thoughts, or plans which lead to a decision. Almost immediately, signals from your brain tell other parts of your body what to do: wiggle your toe, drink the coffee, laugh, or perhaps make a witty reply. Meanwhile your brain is also monitoring your breathing, blood chemistry, temperature, and other essential processes outside your awareness. It sends out commands that keep your body on an even keel despite constant changes in your environment. It also prepares for future demands.”—Page 326.

  • cantleave

    Alice, You can still cut"n"paste - impressive.

  • PublishingCult
    No logical comeback. You substitute a logical rebuttal with spewing profanity. That just proves that I'm absolutely right.

    Hi Spook!

    How is this for a logical rebuttal; your statement presupposes that the history of Jehovah's Witnesses and the WTBTS has been free from bitter contentions, hostile corporate takeovers, debates, petty intrigues, witch hunts, child molestors, child molestor coverups, abuse of power, bitter arguments, disagreements, betrayals, lies, scandals, flipflops in doctrine . . . did I miss anything . . . ?

    Edited to include coercion, emotional blackmail, extortion, fraud, corruption, and bloodguilt.

    Everyone here can pretty much attest to the fact that the Johnny controversy and our debate here is pethetically diminutive compared to mad-cap antics of JW's and the GB of JW's.

    Logically, then, your statement is fallacious.

  • cantleave

    BTW - back to the purpose of this thread - nice job PC!!!

  • PublishingCult
    PublishingCult, you need a 1) job 2) boyfriend 3) girlfriend 4) all of the above.

    On what, Tempered, do you base your statement?

  • badseed

    all of the above means he has a job where he can have a threesome with a guy and a girl. Man, talk about benefits.


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