This thread can't get any funnier, can it?
Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax
by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult
Posting to read this page..
I listened to the last 15 minutes as suggested by Rick . . . and yes, Lil did come on . . . and within 30 sec said she was upset and leaving . . . no mention of JTB that I heard . . . ? Nothing of substance was discussed . . . Lil just came and went . . . ?????
Maybe my browser is faulty?
Some guy came on and defended Lil's right to question apparent authenticity . . . very well I thought
Wow lovelylil, I'm have just listened to upper room ministries in the background and I think it was good for you to separate from that group!!!
Nothing holds back the atheist from raping, killing babies.. they have no morals.. !!! Don't know how you could volunteer to read scriptures before and after those statements. Do you agree with the things said during the service?
Honestly, I'm not at all under the impression that you were set up. RF and others said you have the right to question. Sheila only presented her view. It did not seem planned to me. Ricks final statement about you was indeed odd. I believe if you had stayed on a little longer, you could have saved yourself a lot of hurt feelings. Peace, fts -
I am hard of hearing and did not hear everything that was said during the church meeting. Some people talk very softly and I miss a lot of it. Did not actually hear that being said about athiests.
The thing about the call is I already called Rick about the johnny incident and told him what happened, also Johnny called him the same night it happened. Please read my posts on this thread about it. That is why I got upset and felt like he threw me under the bus with shiela, he brought her on the call to ask about johnny when he already KNEW what happened. He KNEW I was given a hard time the night before. I told him it was inappropriate to discuss it during that time, he still persisted. He never asked for any proof I had about Johnny, the thing is he already knew Johnny was a sham from the beginning. Johnny was a publicity stunt.
You are entitled to your opinion but are not aware of the entire back story concerning this call. Bottom line, it was not appropriate, Rick has NO boundaries whatsover and I will not associate with him or his "church" ever again.
Lovelylil, well, I don't know, Rick is the one making those statements and his voice can be heard loud and clear.
Please listen to the tape again and tell me what you hear said about atheists and if you agree with it.
I was wondering why you would go on the church conference call on the very next day. Just a few hour before you were being "attacked" by members of Ricks church. Did you really expect to find encouragement? Was it not obvious that this issue would come up? Were you interested to hear what your (former) church members might have to say about you?
I have read your postings and listened to the clips yesterday. I'm fully aware that Johnny is a hoax. Yet as much as I disagree with Rick on many issues, after listening to this tape I am not under the the impression that you were set up. You were not thrown under the bus by Rick! You should really listen to the tape and hear what Rick had to say after you hung up.(Would Rick use you to advertise himself? Yes, Rick would use almost anything and anyone in order to sensationalise and promote himself!)
You only felt that you were set up. If you could have stayed on a little longer, you would not have needed to become so upset and cry for two day after that call. IMO, I think you overreacted.
Otherwise, I think it was great that you went on RF's show and questioned Johnny.
Peace, fts -
Nothing holds back the atheist from raping, killing babies.. they have no morals.. !!!
ha ha, please tell me Rick DID NOT say that.
PC, yes he did. And to prove his point, he mentioned a guy who killed 8 or more (?) children in Brazil Rio(?). This guy was raised jw and later became Muslim (an atheist indeed!!). Then he went right back into bashing atheist. His statment about homosexuals was rather brief, but atheism surly encourages it.. As if there was no homosexuality before Darwin.
Actually, I was hoping you would make a clip.
You should listen to the service. There is lots of material for producing a video about the extreme views and reasoning's of fundamental Christians!
fts -
PC, btw, you and the nude pic of jesus gets mentioned as well!!
Good morning Freetosee,
Rick has become the thing that he hates , I don't know if you see the similarities but,
Jehovahs Witnesses fool people by makin' them think they have the right to question
did you really expect Rick to tell Lil on an open forum that she could not question his little church ????
you admitt yourself that Rick would use Lil anyway he could to advertise himself, that Freetosee
includes being ( THROWN UNDER THE BUS )
You yourself admit that you think Johnnie is a hoax, ok then end of story, it's time to let this go now