Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax

by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult


    I understand the concern of Ratting a person out..It`s not cool..

    In this case it doesn't apply..The person being investigated does not exist..

    That was known before the investigation was started..

    The investigation helped plug escape routes,for the people perpetrating the hoax..

    Rick will hide anywhere he can..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • PublishingCult

    Well said, Outlaw.

    Also, I have talked to people who know first hand and for a fact that Rick was in on this hoax. But because they wish to remain anonymous, I simply cannot use what they told me. They themselves must be willing to come forth, and it is not my place to out them.

    If there is anyone, however, that would like to come forward and tell what you know, now is probably a good time to do it, IMO.

  • badseed

    It still didn't answer my question though.

  • PublishingCult
    It still didn't answer my question though. "So then, you admit that at the time you made the call at the IT dept you didn't know for a fact that Johnny was a scam. Right?"

    I said, "wrong", as in you are incorrect. I had already talked to those who knew it was a hoax based on conversations they had with Rick, indicating that Rick knew it was a hoax. They agreed to talk to me on the condition that I not give out their names and how they are associated with Rick. I could not use what they told me in this case, but their words were confirmation that Johnny was a hoax.

    The call to Brooklyn was the only way to clearly demonstrate the lie without betraying the confidence and trust of those who disclosed information to me.

  • Violia

    PC you are an amazing investigative reporter.

  • VampireDCLXV

    I guess we have proved here that Tricky Ricky really isn't interested in truth or fairness at all. He really is the Jerry Springer of the XJW realm. 'Nuff said. Let's move on...


  • Curtains

    you sound like you are a very stupid guy PC, ringing bethel regarding Johnny.

  • PublishingCult
    you sound like you are a very stupid guy PC, ringing bethel regarding Johnny.

    Well, yes, I suppose it would have been extremely foolish and even stupid of me to drop a dime on Johnny, but such assertions of foolishness and stupidity would be based on the presupposition that Johnny were anything other than a fraud. As I have stated, I had confirmation that Johnny was a hoaxer before I made the call.

  • NomadSoul

    I don't see myself feeling sorry if he was the real deal and now suffering because of this. He's the one that would've put himself out there in risk.

  • lovelylil

    PC, Good Work!

    Although the church call is only a few minutes and it does not show anyone being abusive like some were on the six screens call, Rick did not play it on Saturday nor do I think he will play it for this reason;

    I felt I was set up to be embarrased during that call which I have stated on this board many times. Now Rick did apologize and said he did not mean to embarass me and it was not a set up, I still have a big problem with accepting this to be true. Why? Because in proclaiming his innocence, he said he was merely asking Shiela how the previous' nights call went with Johnny having NO IDEA what actually happened on the call. He claims he did not know there was a situation and that I may be upset by it.


    During that conference call Johnny leaves the conversation for a long time, while Joe, Shiela and Mary all jump on me and CALLS RICK to tell him what is going on. You will notice during that time he is totally silent on the call. He is not defending himself for some time, leaving it up to the others. Anyway, He comes back and says "I just spoke to Rick and told him what is happening tonight on the call", He is fine with all this. So Johnny HIMSELF verifies that Rick knew FULL WELL what happened on that call.

    PC you did play this clip for Rick the other night and he claims he does not remember Johnny calling him and said he will listen to the conference call again and get back to me.

    So when Rick pretended he didn't know about the call and brought shiela in to tell him how "someone" caused Johnny to leave the call early because they were Q'ing him to hard and asking for proof, this was not true. That is why I felt "set up" And although shiela did not use my name, everyone knew it was me, hence my embarassment.

    b.t.w. what Shiela says on the church call about johnny leaving early was also a lie, she tried to correct herself on This past saturday's call and said she made a mistake. And admitted johnny was on the call until the end.

    She then had to audacity to tell me to "clear her good name" on this forum.

    Anyway, I tend to agree with PC that Rick knew Johnny was a fake but perpetuated it to bring more people onto the six screens calls. And I am saying this not only for the reason I already stated but because I have spoken to other people who told me that prior to me Qing Johnning on the call from 4/9, THEY TOLD Rick about Johnny being a fake, weeks before I did.

    And if Rick really did have some doubts about johnny, and wanted to see any proof I had about him, he NEVER asked for it! Till this day he never asked why I was skeptical or what proof I claimed to have. Why should he? He knew Johnny was a fake from the beginning.

    People have asked me about accepting Rick's apology, I accepted his apology for the embarassement I went through and my family went thru because of this situation. But he has yet to really admit fault and apology for lying about the johnny situation. That is why I will no longer have anything to do with him or his church.

    I don't think PC will get a copy of the tape, I will never get an explaination for Johnny saying he "just spoke to rick", I doubt I will see the copy of the email my daugher sent Rick ( he did backpeddle on the profanity issue too), but I already knew my daugher was telling me the truth. And I will never see Johnny's I.D. badge even though "johnny" said I could. But I really don't need them at this point.

    I had been honest from the beginning. I do think Rick is somewhat sorry and that is because I don't think he Intentionally tried to hurt anyone. When he first perpetuated this fraud, he could not know that people may be hurt by it. So when he said he was sorry I think he meant for this reason. I wish thogh he would fess up to the entire sham and apologize and if he did, I would have a little more respect for the man. But I doubt he will go that far.

    Hopefully he at least learned a valuable lesson. Peace, lilly


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