JWN Is Not The Same Place It Was Years Ago . . .

by PublishingCult 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberjesus

    I'm not sure where that came from, but hope it wasn't anything I've said

    Of course not


    :So your argument boils down to the fact that since you've read the Charles Dickens books you know EXACTLY how the squaler was in London and EXACTLY how it felt to live in it during the time he wrote about it, eh?

    NO, my argument boils down that it doesnt matter WHEN I read the Charles Dickens books, if yesterday or a minute ago or 20 years ago... The longer it has been since I ve read them doesnt make me more or less capable of commenting on them. And since ALL of the posts that are in this site are in the past I or whomever reads them can with AUTHORITY say how has this site changed.... eh?

    I joined 1.5 years ago. and I enjoy reading the first year of posts... I love how different this site was.... I didnt post then. right at the exact moment it happened... But I can read. Anyone with an hour of research can tell you how was this site at any given moment.

    Sorry. I still think you are funny though :-D

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