Thanks for all the responses ! Worked all last night, will try to respond to everybody.
OTWO- Exactly, elders are like kings and dictators. They rule their kingdom called the JW congregation within individual kingdom halls.
MRFREEZE- I knew some elders who were polite or nice also. Yet knew just as many if not more who were into power trips and quite ennamored with themselves.
DESIROUSOFCHANGE- This article is DEFINITELY giving a loophole to elders for being unkind to JW's by saying some JW's are " gard " to deal with. So if brother elder is man, oh well he tried, he's just imperfect. It's such a crock. They might as well be Pope's like you say.
STEVE 2- Yes indeed, the WT society will so readily condemn OTHER religions elders or leaders, but make excuses for their own elders. Typical.
SIZEMIK- I was a MS for 6 years and I saw the same thing you did with men in the congregation stumbling over themselves to kiss up to elders to reach out for positions. I can only imagine the stress you felt once you became an elder having to deal with bonehead fellow elders trying to be picky towards sisters with short dresses. And the crazy thing about it- is the elders wives pushed for the lady to be counseled ! Many elders I knew were into power and position too.
HEATHEN- I had elders follow me around and spy on me too. It was creepy.
WTWIZARD- As your examples so aptly showed the WT society basically wants to control everything that JW's do and they train their elders to do the same. I'd say " hounders " is a very apt description. Excuses will always be made for the elders- but not rank and file publishers.
JWGONEBAD- I agree tens of thousands of families have been broken up by the DFing policies of the WT society with elders being the enforcers. Yet it is interesting the term they use " may be using " indicates even the WT society may have doubts God is using elders ! Glad you brought that out.
CHEERIOS- Very true. The comparison with elders and doctors was absolutely moronic. As doctors go to schools for years to train.
HADIT- It is sad and infuriating that the elder arrangement the WT society uses inspires so much fear into rank and file JW's. But many elders as you say abuse the power and control they are given over these people. I agree, I knew some elders who didn't abuse it- but far too many did a lot. It is a patriarchal , manipulative chauvanistic organization which empowers men who have little recognition in the real world. So they make up for it by being hot shots in the JW cult. WT society is just using aLL JW's elders & publishers to promote their billion $$ business- very true.
AMBERSUN- I really agree with you. So many times I saw younger elders 20's to 30's abusing their power over older sisters in the congregation also. And if the older women said something to correct a younger elder they'd get counseled. It was awful. As you say so many of those mature older sisters could do a much better job of counseling on family matters - but the WT organization disrespects women's talents and views. It's demoralizing and disgusting !
LUKEWARM- It is interesting that the WT society states " Jehovah & Jesus MAY be using the elders ". I appreciate you mentioning that. Good find.
RADHESYAM- amazing they compare elders with doctors. How arrogant the WT society is.
BLONDIE- I agree many elders knew other elders were abusive generally towards publishers- but turned a blind eye to it just like they turn a blind eye to pedophiles in congregations. Essentially - elders turned a blind eye to aLL forms of abuse happening within congregations ! Abuse towards publishers, women, children , and ALL who were NOT in positions of power or control. Peace out, Mr.. Flipper