Lots of great comments and takes on here ! Thanks !
CONFUZZLED - I'm sorry you were wronged and treated unjustly by elders. I definitely know how you feel as I was attacked by elders verbally on 2 seperate JC " witchunt " meetings. They made me so angry at one such meeting back in late 2003 - that I wanted to crawl across the table and strangle one of the younger elders ( early 30's ) as he was VERY rude and arrogant imputing wrong motives to me. Even when I won my DF appeal meeting in 2007 - I received NO apology at all - even though I was in the right and the elders were not. I just think the WT society DOES NOT train them to apologize for ANYTHING. They are supposed to be invincible guess - full of " holy spirit ". Yeah right. I hope you and your husband are doing a little better now- it takes time to get over being treated like that. I know, been there experienced it. Hang in there. Good point you bring out that our non_JW friends can't understand why we get treated like this ! That should tell us something- that what we've experienced from elders is abusive and unjust behavior. NON-JW people can notice it- but many times JW's are too mind controlled to notice it. Keep your chin up.
BILLY the EX-BETHELITE- Billy , it sounds like you really gave those elders some things to think about- emphasizing the imperfections of the WT society from the top down. Well done ! I bet those guys were eating their teeth ! Good job.
JWGONEBAD- I agree- hundreds of thousands of JW's have been treated unjustly or in an unloving way by elders . This happens so much it's epidemic. Good point when you include the total number of people DFed - it HAS affected millions of people in an adverse way ! WT society should be ashamed.
LOST GENERATION- I agree - I like that suggestion as well about indicating the ones RUNNING the organization are imperfect too . It's amazing what junk the WT society tries pawning off on jW's.
VAMPIRE- Very true. The lack of accountability is incredible among elders. But they learn it from the guys at the top - the GB, then Distrci Overseers then C.O.'s and that same lack of accountability type attitude exists in many appointed JW's in positions of power.
BROKEN PROMISES- EXactly . There have been millions who have just walked away from the organization- and many of us get treated the same as if we were DFed. WT society is really clamping down on members to avoid people they preceive as troublemakers.
SIZEMIK- It IS true- many times elders ARE working hard to hang us . Indeed. Good lyrics from Uriah Heep - no love indeed inside this heartless land.
PISTOFF- Good points. Yeah, I was always told to listen to the elders growing up , but it was VERY hard to keep responding to elders who constantly tried irritating us with personal opinions and evil intentions. But yeah, the WT society told us that God would judge the bad elders down the road. Likely not. I saw MANY bad elders as years went on proliferating and increasing. No holy spirit in force.
DESIROUS of CHANGE- Exactly. JW's aren't supposed to question elders as they allegedly are appointed by holy spirit. maybe they should be called Popes. Funny.
LIFEISTOOSHORT- Very true. The WT magazines must really have some crappy counsel when those elders who treated you that way told you to " shut up "! Isn't it amazing how they can even arrogantly THINK they have holy spirit ?? Crazy. Sorry you were treated that way. Like many of us- you have been through the mill even MORE so than some of us. Hang in there. Keep your chin up.
REDS- Blank post. And you were saying ?? Peace out, Mr. Flipper