I went to a pranic healing class with my sister in law last week (I've been out 6 years and I'm starting to get pretty open minded). I didn't expect to feel or experience anything "different". I thought it was all weird but was not scared of the ideas like I would have been a few years ago.
So anyways we did a couple excercises where we held our hands a couple feet above our partners hands and visualized light in different colors beaming out of ours and hitting theres and then switched roles. I FELT her hands!!!! she moved them in circles and I totally felt it. I can now hold me hands facing eachother and feel "energy". It's weird to me because it feels a little like witchcraft or something that being raised as a JW was a no no.. He talked about Chakras and energy like it was an everyday reality because he was talking to a room of healers (massage therapists, acupuncturests etc etc) and me.. We also did some meditations and it was like no prayer I've ever felt. It was AMAZING! I saw colors and felt so peaceful. anyhoo, so I bought a book on chakras because it's like speaking another language to me and I want to know what on earth he was talking about.
What sort of knowledge do you all have about chakras, energy, meditation, transcending etc.?
~finding my way