It was wicked for Boozerford to get people into a work where many would be mobbed. Most of that was from church pastors that were protecting the flock from a religion they were afraid was trying to lead into hell. The witlesses are seen as leading these pastors' flocks (which they feel responsible for) to hell, and the pastors were not going to lay down and take it.
I personally would think of it as a scam. Yes, the whole world is corrupt (and it's because of a few pigs that want the world for themselves, and will force world governments to do their bidding under threat of assassination). But, that God will end it is the scam--he has had numerous chances in times past, and blew them all. Nothing is different about this time. Plus, the rules to qualify are not as found in the Bible--rather, the Washtowel adjusts the rules to suit their own purposes. That is what actually leads people away from other churches, and the pastors are taking action against these scammers that, they feel, will lead the flock to hell.