If you tell someone their entire world is corrupt and will end at God's hand should you be surprised if you get punched in the nose!

by designs 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Estonia JWs attacked by Orthodox Christians. Now if you know that a culture has a history of intolerance and is violently prone to aggressively go after new and radical movements would you tell them they will be destroyed by God and not expect a very bad response.

    This modern example reminds me of the deaths caused by Rutherford and Knorr taunting world leaders and religious heads of church. The GBs bravdo led to our being mobbed.

  • leavingwt

    "If you mess with the bull, you'll get the horn."

  • Reality79

    Oh yes, the GB, living comfortably and protected all the way in New York City have been the cause of many a R&F witness suffering in a lot of countries over the years, with Malawi being one of, if not the most brutal example.

    While they enjoy their free meals, regular flights, laundry washed, legion of 7 million+ fans etc, the foot soldiers are the ones who face the brunt of the persecution. Funny how Jesus put himself out there to face the mistreatment and didn't hide behind anybody, but the GB are nowhere to be seen whenever a R&F individual gets their face bashed in.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    You're kidding, right? I so enjoyed showing up uninvited to people's homes and telling that that their choice of religion and lifestyle made them fit for destruction. Some of them were such assholes about it.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Some of them were such assholes about it.


  • designs

    Keyser- LOL

    Do any remember Knorr being scared to death on a flight to Africa and having to make an emergency stop in one of the African countries he managed to piss off. Royalty like to be above the fray....

  • tec
    Funny how Jesus put himself out there to face the mistreatment and didn't hide behind anybody, but the GB are nowhere to be seen whenever a R&F individual gets their face bashed in.

    Like a king (or president/leader/government) riding out with his army, rather than watching from safety and sending them out instead. Christ in fact laid down his life for his followers, and did not take any lives. Nor did he ask his followers to do that (take lives), and only to follow him. But if he asked them to do something, then he did it first.


  • Reality79


    Exactly. The phrase 'lead by example' comes to mind. Something the GB never does themselves.

  • Heartofaboy

    I've often wondered if a situation over a 'political card' had broken out in New York & machete wielding persecution broke out as it did in Malawi, would the GB have allowed it to escalate like they did?

    Experiencing the mutilation first hand on their door step would I'm sure have made the WT hierarchy choose a different course of action & see no problem with the 'political card'.


  • WTWizard

    It was wicked for Boozerford to get people into a work where many would be mobbed. Most of that was from church pastors that were protecting the flock from a religion they were afraid was trying to lead into hell. The witlesses are seen as leading these pastors' flocks (which they feel responsible for) to hell, and the pastors were not going to lay down and take it.

    I personally would think of it as a scam. Yes, the whole world is corrupt (and it's because of a few pigs that want the world for themselves, and will force world governments to do their bidding under threat of assassination). But, that God will end it is the scam--he has had numerous chances in times past, and blew them all. Nothing is different about this time. Plus, the rules to qualify are not as found in the Bible--rather, the Washtowel adjusts the rules to suit their own purposes. That is what actually leads people away from other churches, and the pastors are taking action against these scammers that, they feel, will lead the flock to hell.

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