Regardless of your religion, if your message is judgmental and self-righteous, you deserve to be punched in the nose. The problem is, because so many JWs are like that, other JWs get caught up in the public sentiment. Like a cop told me once: Crooked cops who abuse the public get good cops shot. I don't feel like spending the time I'm supposed to be sharing Jesus' message apologizing for some retard JW who was there before me. This is why I have many times called out other JWs for their preaching methods, as they do more harm than any good could possibly ever come of it. Of course, this raises the ire of the elders, because only they are allowed to talk to other JWs about their methods or message. I just ignore them, because supposedly there's no clergy/laity distinction and the Bible says to go to your brother first. Of course, JWs for the most part never do this and run tattling to the elders over everything, especially if they know it's an organizational policy and not a scriptural principal.
People who put their trust in a man-made magazine or book for their basis of preaching make it difficult for the few who don't. I've never had it happen to me personally, but I've seen online many accuse JWs of getting their doctrine from Watchtower literature and not from the Bible. Even in the cases where the Watchtower agrees with the Bible, having a church, priest, pastor, or printing company as a buffer to filter God's word is ridiculous. This is true of all religions and JWs can't be singled out, in this respect. The main difference is that most religions don't send the laity out to preach.
Granted, most church members aren't qualified to preach, but neither are most JWs. The Society knows this, which is why they don't send the rank and file out to preach, but to carry their preaching, via the magazines and books. The whole "every baptized publisher is an ordained minister" thing is utter BS and the Society doesn't see the "great crowd" as ministers any more than a paper boy is a journalist. This is why JWs are programmed to parrot WT articles instead of quoting or reading scriptures.
For someone who is qualified to preach, this is extremely frustrating. The scripturally oblivious, the functionally retarded, and the morally apathetic don't bat an eyelash at whatever the GB's message is, because they don't know any different, don't care to know any different, and never will check to see if it should be any different. Taking the trouble to know the truth and make a stand for it is just too hard or boring to most JWs, so they just drift along in a mental and spiritual daze, letting 7 opinionated old men make all the decisions about everything in their lives for them. The rare JW who doesn't is an anomaly and an extremely unwelcome entity in the congregation.
I take responsibility for the message I preach and refuse to use literature that I know to contain mistakes or falsehoods. Of course, as a JW, the unwashed aren't supposed to filter the elite's message (the way they filter the Bible) and it will make you extremely unpopular and suspicious to your "brothers and sisters". Many times, I've made it clear I refuse to pass out Watchtowers because I won't read them and I won't inflict them on other people. Besides, I'm thoroughly under the impression the vast majority of those rags go directly into the trash, anyway; so why even do the dance? I know: Numbers. I'm not in it for the numbers, either.
If something happens where I get attacked by an angry mob for Jesus' message, I'll accept that outcome. There is no way I'll put myself into a position that I'm going to bear the brunt of public disdain for regurgitating the vomit of some pseudo-Christ old men or their sycophant underling writing department. So many times we're warned in the Bible not to make flesh our arm, but to trust in God and that his word is all we need. I don't have much sympathy for those who have had ample opportunity to make the adjustment from following men to following Christ. JWs bring a lot of the public negativity on themselves.