Blood and Chicken Nuggets

by blondie 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I prefer the Honey Mustard

  • Poztate

    Thank "god" it is only made from blood enzymes. That is the same thing as a blood fraction and so it would be up to your bible trained conscience as to partaking or not.

  • minimus


  • cantleave

    Can you hear that.........

    .......frozen food being thrown into the trash by JW's across the globe.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I'll tell you what..... when I have my assembly, I'm gonna sit my fine-chiseled ass down in the lunchroom and bust out the MacK-D's 20-piece. Why?

    Because that's how Hans rolls, that's why.

  • headisspinning

    I moved my comment to it's own thread.

  • NomadSoul

    I drank Iguana blood once. It gave me super powers that lasted only a few minutes.

    Man I'm hungry! No more pics of chicken nuggets!

  • sir82

    Just another example of how much JWs have changed.

    In the 60's, the entire JW community nationwide, heck, maybe worldwide, was all a-twitter about lecithin being added to chocolate bars. It was practically a DF offense to own a Hershey bar until someone actually did some research & determined that the lecithin was not derived from blood.

    Fast-forward to 2011. Typical JW reaction?

    "Blood? <nom nom nom> I don't see no blood in here <nom nom nom> Hey junior, while you're up, get me another super size fries. Make it to go, we've got to get back to the territory <nom nom nom>"

  • mrsjones5

    Just sprinkle a teaspoon of powdered transglutaminase on various meat scraps, knead them together and roll them up in plastic wrap. Put in the fridge and 6 hours later, you have an easily-sliced piece of meat that looks like real fillet.The amount of bacteria on a steak that’s been put together with meat glue is hundreds of time higher.Meat glue is a darker product altogether.The bacterial count in patched-up meat is extremely high because scraps that were outside pieces but are now glued together inside are hard to cook thoroughly.

    That part reminds me of a show I just saw last week called Filthy Cities on the Discovery Channel. The episode I'm thinking of showed how sausages were made out of rotten meat by adding Borax to get rid of the smell back in the early 1900's in New York City.

  • snowbird

    I and my entire staff are ROFL at Sir!

    @ Josie's info.


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