Nathan, excellent point. I'm adding Matthew 15:11 to my list.
Can You Explain This? (Blood)
by headisspinning 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What TD said. Paul wrote those instructions for Jewish converts to Christianity, who were horrified at the loose habits of the Gentile converts. These early Jewish converts kept their former religious training plus the new teachings of Christ. They (improperly) wanted to impose the same restrictions on the Gentile converts.
Paul offered a compromise. All is lawful save a few things.
As we are now thousands of years removed from those early issues, the same rules no longer apply. Otherwise, you might need to start buying Kosher meat.
Nathan Natas
The Easter Bunny told me to refrain from chocolate, but I think he's got a personal reason for this.
Hi Headisspinning,
I could be called a Christian, the group I belong to have similar beliefs to Unitarians.
On the blood issue I'd just emphasise that blood transfusions were not known in Biblical times and therefore cannot be covered by what was or wasn't allowed then. When given intravenously, blood functions as an organ, and is not a food.
I also agree with Pirata's point - What is more important; the symbol of life or life itself?
So no, the WTs' complicated rules on blood fractions make no sense to me at all.