When the folks who try to discern the end times often using different formulas to calculate the number of days but nearly all of them then "translate" the days into years by using this quote from Ezekiel. What is the logic used to assume this statement had anything to do with the "days" and "times" mentioned in other books?
Ezekiel 4:6 A Day for a year
by donny 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Actually, whenever a "year is a day" or"a day a year" or " a day is like 1000 years" appears in the OT or NT it is ONLY applicable to the context that it appears in and NOT outside that context.
There is no reason that what is written in one book of the bible is DIRECTLY applicable to another book written by ANOTHER author about something else and referring to another event.
When it comes to end of days prophecies we have the words of the SON of God:
It is none of OUR business.
Don't forget this one:
Numbers 14:34 "You scouted out the land for forty days; your punishment will be a year for each day, a forty-year sentence to serve for your sins—a long schooling in my displeasure." The Message Bible
Boy, when I used to explain this to captive audiences, I thought I was the shizzle.
The funny thing is Syl, that when a time frame is specified, it IS specified and not a "mystery" or needing of calculations that are dependant on pyramids or hairs on someone's ass.
PSacramento said: There is no reason that what is written in one book of the bible is DIRECTLY applicable to another book written by ANOTHER author about something else and referring to another event.
Coming from you Lars, that says it all !
Ezekiel 4:6 "Then, after you have done this, turn over and lie down on your right side and bear the sin of the family of Judah. Your assignment this time is to lie there for forty days, a day for each year of their sin." The Message Bible
So true, PSac.
or hairs on someone's ass.
Lars, please share the joke with us.
I know your mama told you that it's ill-mannered to poke fun at people.
Is there any evidence that anyone before the rise of the various 19th century Adventist groups ever used this day for a year calculation in determining future events?
Used wierd ass calcs pulled out of their ass to calculate the end of times? Nope.
They took the easy way, they looked for signs, like the plague(s), Attilla, Gengis, the millinium, that sort of crap.