This teaching originated with Joachim of Fiore in 1135-1202 A.D..
Ezekiel 4:6 A Day for a year
by donny 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lars, please share the joke with us.
I know your mama told you that it's ill-mannered to poke fun at people.
What joke specifically? I'm thinking of a couple.
This teaching originated with Joachim of Fiore in 1135-1202 A.D..
LOL @ the WT once again following the teachings of an apostate catholic clergyman !!
Look folks. This is rather academic. The Bible says "a day for a year" for the Jews. So the question is, whether this applies to any of he prophecies in Daniel or not.
Thing is, since most of the prophecies should have been fulfilled by now, we can answer that question by testing the results. For instance, the "70 weeks" prophecy. Clearly the messiah appears at the end of 69 weeks and dies in the midde of the 70th week. Now is this a literal 7-day week, or a week of 7 years?
The "70 weeks" begin when the "word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalm", obviously beginning in the 1st of Cyrus. The messiah appears in 29 CE when he was baptized. So if this prophecy were just literal days, then it doesn't work. Otherwise, those 483 days that turn into years dates back to 455 BCE.
So was 455 BCE the 1st of Cyrus. Well, popular chronology doesn't date his 1st year there, but there is plenty of evidence the Persians revised the Babylonian records and so the current secular date is not reliabe. However, we do have one reference that provides us with the original chronology from the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. The VAT4956 hides two references in Lines 3 and 14 to 511 BCE, presumably the original date for year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar. If so, then year 23 would fall in 525 BCE. This is the year of the last deportaton which is exactly 70 years prior to the 1st of Cyrus when the Jews were released from Babylon. So subtract 70 from 525 BCE and you get 455 BCE. Done!
So in this case, 490 days works out quite perfectly when you apply "a day for a year" formula. At this point, it should be clear that we can optionally apply thi formula to all the other chronology prophecies, which include the 1290 days/1335 days prophecy, the 2300 evenings and mornings, and the "7 times" prophecy, 2520 years between the fall of Jerusalem and the removal of its representative king and the second coming.
As long as "a day for a year" and "a day is a thousand years", etc. makes Bible prophecy calculations work out to be in our contemporary time, people will use them. They have been for the past 2000 years.
When I was a kid, I checked out the "day for a year" prophecy as applying to Jesus' baptism in (dubdate) 29 ce. And, it worked !...So I was set for decades of service believing the chronology of the WTS that 1914 was the foretold year.
Looking back now, I see that is very easy to start from a certain known date, and then construct a prophetic formula that reaches it exactly, as in 29 ce. The hard part is to pick the right formula for a future unknown date. That would take Divine insight, which the WTS do not have...
The failure of their expectations regarding 1914 , both before and after the year, indicates to me that they don't know what they are doing....
When I was a kid, I checked out the "day for a year" prophecy as applying to Jesus' baptism in (dubdate) 29 ce. And, it worked !...So I was set for decades of service believing the chronology of the WTS that 1914 was the foretold year.
Looking back now, I see that is very easy to start from a certain known date, and then construct a prophetic formula that reaches it exactly, as in 29 ce. The hard part is to pick the right formula for a future unknown date. That would take Divine insight, which the WTS do not have...
The failure of their expectations regarding 1914 , both before and after the year, indicates to me that they don't know what they are doing..
No. Far from being hard, it's mathematics! We know 70 weeks ends in 36 CE. We can calculate every 70th week from that time on. We can calculate precisely when the 70th week occurs during our time, that is, the closest 70th week, with the presumption the messiah would arrive during the 70th week at the 2nd coming also. But this is direct, simple math! You just calculate down consecutive 70-week periods down to our day. It's close to 2000 years and 490 is almost 500 years so we know it's four periods of 490 years down to our time. So what is the precise chronology?
4 x 490 = 1960
1960 + 36 CE = 1996
So the 70th week ends in 1996 and begins 7 years earlier in 1989.
So 1989-1996 for the 2nd coming matches 29-36 of the first coming.
That's it. Simple. Direct. There is zero flexibility here in this case.
So the idea that there is any complex formula or twisting and turning and churning just isn't here. This is math and zero flexibility. The 70th week is from 1989-1996.
Question is, does the 2nd coming fulfill this 70th week period?
Maybe. Maybe not. But it will not change. It won't flex to include 1914, that's for sure!
Oh yeah, when my dubs tried that "year for a day" racket on me then I said, "using your reasoning, Jonah was in the belly of the fish for 3 years".
"oh no", they said.
"Then how do you know when to apply that rule and when not to?"