New Light @ The 2011 District Convention

by dontplaceliterature 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    This is what they have been teaching about the ten toes -

    Watchtower 69 5/15


    What possible significance could the ten toes have? These picture all the coexisting powers and governments on earth today, since the number ten is a Biblical number symbolizing earthly completeness. So the dream image relates to our day indeed! We should keep in mind that this image did not become static with the appearance of the final world power. The image had to keep on developing in order to include the weakening influence of the socialistic, democratic elements against the imperial, dictatorial powers of this world. Ever since 1914 the weakening influence of democracy and socialism has gone forward particularly against that part of the iron feet of the image represented by “the king of the north.” The ten toes of the image picture all the nations, not merely those that have thus far gained admission to the U.N. At this stage comes the dramatic climax of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The prophet Daniel continues his interpretation; his words have vital meaning for our day:
  • Intel

    Excerpt from the Nu-lite talk (probably Saturday afternoon, last talk):

    10 fingers - ten - you hear that brothers and sisters - please stand up and rejoice and clapp your hands, because Juva tells only US that ten, the marvellous number ten is where the divine secret is buried....think about this: 10, like in 10 fingers, 10 little indians and 10 sheep. Do you understand how close that puts us to the end of this wicked system? The number ten was always present in bible stories, like the 10 disciples....Yes, friends, one of the disciples was a traitor and according to Hesekiel does not count, that leaves us at 11...because there was no zero in the periodic table of the romans, we have to ADD that to the two preceeding numbers which gives us 1010 a double ten...

    NOW (with a dramatic voice, and as fanatic as possible) THIS is PROOF that the faithful slave, in itself a product of ten beams of spirit, IS tooodayyy, revealing that....(drum rolls) THE END IS NEAR!!!

    YEAAAAHHHH, (everybody stands up and clapps and has tears in their eyes)....

    THEREFORE, go out PREACH us your money, your houses....AND YOUR LIFESSSSSSSSSSS....

  • blondie

    *** it-1 p. 1187 Image ***The mixture of iron and clay in the toes of the great image graphically illustrates the condition due to be manifest in the final expression of political world domination. Clay is elsewhere used metaphorically in the Scriptures to stand for fleshly men, made of the dust of the earth. (Job 10:9; Isa 29:16; Ro 9:20, 21) Daniel’s interpretation thus appears to equate the clay with "the offspring of mankind," the mixing in of which produces fragility in that which is symbolized by the image’s ten toes. This points to a weakening and a lack of cohesion in the ironlike strength of the final form of world domination by earthly kingdoms. (Da 2:41-43) The common man would wield greater influence in affairs of government. "Ten" being used consistently in the Bible to express completeness (see NUMBER, NUMERAL), the ten toes apparently represent the entire global system of rulership at the time when God’s Kingdom is established and takes action against the worldly powers.—Compare Re 17:12-14.

    *** w85 7/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Various views have been expressed about the ten "toes." But since "ten" is often used in the Bible to signify completeness as to things on earth, the ten "toes" appear logically to represent the entire global system of rulership at the culmination of the days. It is against the feet and toes of the image that ‘God’s Kingdom comes,’ grinding to powder the final manifestations of man-rule. How happy we can be that the peaceful, prosperous rule of Christ’s Kingdom will then fill the entire earth!—Matthew 6:9, 10; compare Isaiah 11:1, 9.

    *** w78 6/15 p. 13 Human Governments Crushed by God’s Kingdom ***There does not appear to be any prophetic significance to the image’s having ten toes. This is a natural human feature, just as the image has two arms, two legs, and so forth.

    *** w75 12/15 pp. 743-744 Christendom’s "Holy Place" Soon to Be Desolated ***According to Revelation 17:12, the "ten horns" are "ten kings." Ten being a number of completeness in the symbolic language of the Bible (comparable to ten toes and ten fingers), a complete number of earthly rulers, not a minority, will turn against the religions of Christendom and the rest of "Babylon the Great." But not just the symbolic "ten kings" will take such aggressive action. The entire organization represented by the "scarlet-colored wild beast" (the United Nations) will do so.

    *** w69 5/15 p. 304 par. 8 Crushing All Nations in Our Day by God’s Kingdom ***What possible significance could the ten toes have?These picture all the coexisting powers and governments on earth today, since the number ten is a Biblical number symbolizing earthly completeness. So the dream image relates to our day indeed! We should keep in mind that this image did not become static with the appearance of the final world power. The image had to keep on developing in order to include the weakening influence of the socialistic, democratic elements against the imperial, dictatorial powers of this world. Ever since 1914 the weakening influence of democracy and socialism has gone forward particularly against that part of the iron feet of the image represented by "the king of the north." The ten toes of the image picture all the nations, not merely those that have thus far gained admission to the U.N. At this stage comes the dramatic climax of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The prophet Daniel continues his interpretation; his words have vital meaning for our day:

  • sizemik

    so what exactly is that question mark pointing at ... bunyuns on the toes?

    No no no no . . . Bunyans and toenails are being held back for future thrilling announcements!

    This year it's toes . . . just toes

  • Ding

    *** w78 6/15 p. 13 Human Governments Crushed by God’s Kingdom ***There does not appear to be any prophetic significance to the image’s having ten toes. This is a natural human feature, just as the image has two arms, two legs, and so forth.

    How did THAT quote ever get published???

    Evidently, someone in the Writing Department was having a bad day...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Even though I haven't attended an assembly for a number of years now, I still get annoyed at the prospect of sitting through 3 days of mind numbing rehashed talks, only to be relieved by the reality that I don't have to go again, ever. It really is terrible and for years, I thought that assemblies were the biggest waste of money for the society. In this time of easy news distribution, any of that info could have been sent out at little cost. It wasn't until later that I learned what a money maker the assemblies really are.

    I hear about the assemblies from this website and from the few JW's I still associatte with. The excitement every year. The talk talk talk about how close we are, blah blah blah. Lately though, my mouth is getting the best of me, and whenever I chat with a JW and the new system around the corner dribble begins, I'm much more challanging on world events that are quoted. As we all know, many JW's use the meetings, the WT & Awake, and inuendo and rumour for their sources of news. Used to to drive me crazy at the door in service. After a while I would work alone because I was getting tired of housholders making fun of my parnters presentations and misinformation of world events.

    So with this new picture/tract JW's are all so busy trying to figure out if they should consider the atheletes fungus in the equation as well. Whens it going to happan? By what means? How close?

    It's just so terribly sad.

    My wife will likely attend a day or two. She hasn't attended all three days for some time but she still gets that stupid, shit eating grin when comes home, confident that all the news of massive expansion is happaning. Well as Bill Marr said, a shit eating grin is only evidence of eating shit. Sometimes I'll bring wifey back to earth when I point out the actual percentage points of growth, (or loss), as documented in the KM. She does admit that there are likely more people leaving in the English halls than staying. But it doesn't matter. She has the toes to concentrate on now. Salvation is near. It must be. We're running out of body parts. We're down to the toes.

  • carla

    "she still gets that stupid, shit eating grin when comes home"--- eeew! I know that one well!

  • Intel

    So with this new picture/tract JW's are all so busy trying to figure out if they should consider the atheletes fungus in the equation as well. Whens it going to happan? By what means? How close?

    That, my friend is a sacred secret!!! Only a few men, sitting at a conference table in Brooklyn get that information from sweet angels that whisper into their ears...

    ...BUT, be assured that the stone is flying now for almost 100 years (in slow motion because god loves John Woo movies!) and is about to crash into the first toe, only until the last fungus has dissappeared will we see the End. Also, the Bible states that the Statue will fall on its nose, and boy, what a free fall for the nations....but that statue is a big ass figurine and it will fall down for another 200 years...enough time for the WT$ to make billions of hard cold US$.

    Millions now donated will never dry!

  • Hopscotch


    Let's see.....Large Statue.........Big Feet..............Question at Big Feet??........This can only mean one thing.......BIG FOOT IS REAL ( And will save all mankind) He'll be in full costume at the Bible drama. Don't miss it.

    This kind of new light may even entice Mr Flipper to go back!!!


  • hamsterbait

    The mixing of clay and iron represents the coming together of the former ruling class with the common people. ie Royal William marries Commoner Kate.

    They do not stick together, however.

    So Armageddy will strike when their marriage ends in divorce and they are fighting for custody of the jimmy Choos.


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