Wobble, when I ran into this analysis I was thinking about how far a lot of posters, including myself, have come since our awakening.
Mr. Falcon, that's the same experience I had. It wasn't the ex-members material that had much affect but it did fortified my decision. Other literature and works of expression was the one that had the greatest impact.
Leavingwt, I'm over too. But of course this experience is going to stay for most of our lives.
Salty, that is a very good goal not to become indifferent. I admit that I am, and it can sometimes be a cold night in one's mind.
Found Sheep, I have only been at stage 7 in my mind but not enough to act on it.
Unshackled, anger is sometimes needed to act. At first I didn't mind that my parents took my younger siblings to the meetings until I realized that I couldn't let that happen. The circumstances were on my favor and now I get to see them have the childhood that I didn't have.