1) - The issue has been widely discussed about former California governor Arnold Swarzeneger - and it never was considered racism.
Could it be because he's white and European? Gee whiz, how obtuse can one be ?
2) - The issue was in fact NOT created by the Tea Party, Trump, or the Republican party. It was started by Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries.
Hilary Clinton; the seed. Tea Partiers; the sprout, the sapling; the young tree; the towering tree. It's very disingenous to mention Hilary in an attempt to hide the fact that the Tea Partiers inflated this issue 1000 fold.
3) - I personally (for whatever that is worth) have condemned the "birther" argument as nonsense many times here on JWN.
Still, you have made it obvious that you are a "fellow traveler" with these people regardless of a few specific issues that you may disagree with.
4) - We have a radicalized poster here who has said in the course of this thread:
You are speaking in the singular. Yet these statements seem to come from different posters; one of them is me.
a) - He hates all Republicans, Tea Party members, even people who watch Fox news.
Doesn't sound familiar
b) - at least half of all Republicans are racist.
I recognized this as a partial and distorted version of what I said in Post #171. I'll post the quote below:
Actually, criticism of Obama is both racist and/orpolitical. The proportion of political versus racist depends on each person. With a substantial number of Republicans being racists (46% of Mississippian Republicans want to ban interracial marriage*), it is obvious that both are motivations for any and all criticism. So why do you, James, claim that the race card is too easily being played? If you have such a substantial number of obvious racists, then it's obvious that they will criticize Obama on any issue.
* See page 1, paragraph 4, of the PDF.
And in Post #172, I stated:
c) - even if Trump is not himself racist, anybody who follows him is a racist, so Trump himself is a racist pimp.
Even though I said no such thing (using the word pimp) the thought of that statement parallels something I said, in Post #173:
JeffT:"I do not know if he is racist."
Jeff; whether or not Donald Trump is being racist is irrelevant. He is definitely a demagogue who panders to the prejudices of his audience, which is substantially racist. . . .
You have dodged that point several times. Why don't you come out directly and say:
Donald Trump IS NOT A DEMAGOGUE who panders to people who have a large racist element in their group.
Are you avoiding the question because it's obvious that Trump is a demagogue, period? That is the true issue. Not his racism but his moral torpidity in demagogically pandering to a group of hate-mongering idiots suffering from mass psychosis. And please don't focus on peripheral statements like the last half of the previous statement. Get some balls and respond to the issue of:
That is not a response to the poll that I linked to. I stated the logic of the situation very clearly. If there are so many Republicans in Mississippi that have such outlandish beliefs then it stands to reason that there definitely is a similar situation throughout the "Red States".
Please note that my statement about Republicans in general (not a specific state) says "substantial". The figure indicating that half of Republicans are in favor of making interracial marriage illegal is a reference to Mississippi Republicans. Mississippi is representative of the Red States that could swing an election regardless of their population.