He knows well enough not to be blatant, he'd have nowhere to hide.
Or, alternatively, he hasn't actually said the things you think he has just as I predicted. You are going off someone else's description of it, specifically, the left leaning, anti-Trump media.
This is how the media manipulate people. They prepare you, they give you the headlines, they tell you "this is definitely racist, everyone agrees", then they play you the edited clip and ... well, it's easy to be fooled, millions are. But it still doesn't make it true.
All the media have to do is present him one way and then gloss over other news about other candidates and they are skewing the election way more than any invented Russian interference ever could.
Will you hear about the democrats anti-semitism on CNN for instance? Or allegations of Omars immigration fraud or AOCs campaign finance malfeasance? I won't hold my breath.
I don't mean to pick on you nicolau but seriously, take a step back and ask yourself - do you really believe he said those things or do you willingly accept what you've been told, knowing it's a bit flakey, because you want to believe it's true - simply because you don't like Trump or his policies?
If all that matters is the mud that people throw, then expect more mud. If throwing mud works, then it will encourage people. This actually plays into Trumps hands because he is a master communicator and can play with the dems like using a ball of wool with a kitten.
Instead he manipulates language to meet his agenda.
Yes, he is very good at what he does. But wait - wasn't he supposed to be a clueless idiot? Which is it? It seems to change each day doesn't it? That is another clue that the story you are being told doesn't quite add up because they have to shift how they frame things to fit the lie they are telling that day otherwise it becomes too obvious.
Now, back to "is Trump racist?" ... I really don't give a shit. The same people making the accusation made the exact same accusation about John McCain, who is now their hero ... because he didn't like Trump. I give the accusation as much credibility as it warrants - none whatsoever.