LOL. I converted the PDF to a text file and printed it double-sided, but it's still too thick to put a staple through it.
WHO WROTE THE BIBLE by Washington Gladden, PT 1
by Quentin 44 Replies latest watchtower bible
Room 215
Has anyone of you read "Who Wrote The Bible" by Richard Freidman? It came highly recommended; the subject interests me and I've read neither. Any impressions/comparisons, etc.?
Just dropped by to say that I downloaded it as a pdf file and am reading it on my laptop. It is extremely interesting. I will check back to this thread to see additional comments. In the meantime, bumping...
It is my hope all of you who took time to download the book will not only enjoy the reading of same, but will find it to be an educational experience as well.
Mr. Gladden closes Chapter 1 with this thought; " I hope that it will appear as the result of our studies, that one may continue to reverence the Scriptures...special revelation from God to men...yet clearly see and frankly acknowledge ...the human fallible elements in them..." ( Pg 12 )
Once again Mr. Gladden reintegrates his reason for writing the book, doing so with impeccable honest scholarship, and a solid, sound, integrity as much as any man who would give God his due.
Quentin --- thank you for this info. i'm going to copy and thanks to Terry for referring your post. i briefly checked out the other day but REALLY NEED to read this.
Good LV, enjoy the reading. It's simple and straight to the point.
I would say Gladden's book should probably be THE first book a JW reads when they are about to fade or leave the organization.
It allows a believer to maintain reverence for Scripture without buying into the outlandish and unsupportable claims made for it by the Watchtower society in their effort to cram their own interpretations down your throat.
I would say most people become agnostic and/or atheist simply because they discover the Bible is not what it is presented as being: infallible.
Gladden demonstrates how it never should have been represented this way while allowing us to appreciate exactly what it is and how it can be
useful to a person who reverences God and the written record of claims made for his dealings with mankind.
I've read Richard Friedemans's book. A must read IMO. I didn't know about this older one. Also a must read is The Bible Unearthed, which cites Frideman's book a lot. Worth pointing out, TBU (The Bible Unearthed) advances on what was written in Friedman's WWTB (Who Wrote The Bible?) and comes up with a slightly different picture of how the Bible came to be written.
Friedeman argues that the P text was penned in Hezekiah's time- while I think before him it was generally regarded as having been written after the Babylonian exile. He recons E was written before Israel was destroyed in 722BCE, and J around Solomon's time. Then D was written after then- most in Josiah's reign, but amendments during or after the exile.
TBU recons that all ther writings had to have been done no sooner than Hezekia's time! This conflict has to my knowlege not been resolved by scholars, and I am waiting for more debates on this subject to be published. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Mat as we conclude Mr. Gladdens book we find answers to your questions. You see Mat scholars of Gladdens time were not unaware of the ideas and questions you have posed.
By the way I have started a second topic on Mr. Gladdens book.