This might be easier to read on a Kindle or tablet. Lots of interesting facts about the Bible.
WHO WROTE THE BIBLE by Washington Gladden, PT 1
by Quentin 44 Replies latest watchtower bible
Terry --- OMG this is the book you recommended about a year ago!
This is great --- I don't have to go back and figure where I was reading all this. Good stuff.
Thanks, Quentin.
Where is Quentin's 2nd topic he started on this?
Sorry --- should be thanking transhuman 68 for reintroducing this topic of Quentin. No wonder I couldn't find it earlier under others' names.
LOL, we were all ribbing Quentin about this book being out of date- not that it matters- the Bible is out of date too.... and that's all he wrote! The links should all be good, and it is a worthwhile read- first time I read about Goliath being killed twice- by two different people!