How Courteous A Driver Are You?

by prophecor 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    I try to quell my emotions when stuck behind slow drivers. Never knowing that they may be elderly or infirmed people. I also however try to let others in when there's a road crew ahead and everyone has to pull to one side to get by. "If we all work together we can get thru this a lot easier" is the philosiphy. How are your manners while behind the wheel?

  • TheClarinetist

    I generally do the same... Though if they're being REALLY bad drivers, I will sometimes think to myself how sorry and I am that someone that mentally handicapped is forced to drive everywhere... It must be a terrible experience for them.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    practically perfect in every way .........(i also lie a bit )

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I try to be a good driver. I definitely don't tailgate people. I hate it when it's done to me. So much so, that if someone is riding my a$$, I will gradually slow down, even to a complete stop if necessary.

  • james_woods
    So much so, that if someone is riding my a$$, I will gradually slow down, even to a complete stop if necessary.

    You would be surprised how often this happens when you are driving in the right lane, at the legal speed limit, in a red Ferrari. Usually teen-age kids in hot-rodded Hondas or such.

    I never race anyone on public roads - and I will slow down to about 20mph (if necessary) as well when this happens.

    One more thing about road courtesy that should be mentioned is that the proper place to be cruising is in the right lane - the left lane is for overtaking slower traffic, after which you should pull back into the right lane.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I'm from Boston if you show Weakness..............

    YOU DIE!! NooseScared To Death 2

  • james_woods
    I'm from Boston if you show Weakness..............

    YOU DIE!!
    Scared To Death 2

    Somehow, I am not surprised one bit by that post...

    Be aware though, if you try anything in Texas, many pickup truck drivers are carrying.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    No I would never take it out of State....It's the drivers here....

    INSANE!! EVERYONE...... No Directionals... passing on the rightside when your doing 45 on a 2 lane road....

    If your not aggresive here..... you get hurt ( by hurt I mean accident use those mirrors LOL) anyone from 18-92 yr olds....

    Alot of finger giving and F U !!!!'s quiet exciting LOL

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    That sounds wicked scary.

  • wobble

    I am very well mannered on the road, until some other driver wants to use it.

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