I was thinking about this while staring blankly at the assembly speaker today. A prestigious member of the GB. O joy. Anyway, a while ago, a similar question was asked via Yahoo answers. And one answer staed that that would NOT be the case. That God must help everyone, otherwise JW's would be serving Jehovah for the wrong reasons. Which truly does make sense. However, when listening to the GB speaker today, he droned on and on about making Jehovah your refuge. And how if you put God "first", he will bless those efforts yada yada. But JW's are not the only ones who feel God acting in their lives. (I Don't). Many "worldy" individuals say how they feel God's hand in their lives. It seems a little counter-productive or pointless or....something. Why would God even bother helping "worldy" people if he plans on killing them all anyway? Or is it that JW's have the ability to interpret when God is acting on them, and "worldy" people are just speaking nonsense when they feel that way? Has a JW ever wondered about this? Does this make any sense? The reason I'm asking is because I'm still stuck in and this is another point I wish to mention. But I just want to know if this makes any sense...
Do Jehovah's Witnesses feel as though they are the only ones assisted by God in their lives?
by stillstuckcruz 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When worldly people think god is helping them, its really just satan tricking them.
Jah only helps the dubs................... but apparently, not very well I'd say
Thanks Donny. Your comment really inspired me. lol.
Yeah God is in the lives of all JWs......which explains why the organisation is so messed up.
Yes JW's think they are the only ones who get blessings from their god. Everyone else who has a blessing is really actually getting something from the devil, which eventually will turn out to be a bad thing because they are worldly and not JW's.
Lunatic Faith
I think it's even worse than that. When I heard outsiders talk about God's presence in their lives I figured they were either delusional or demonic. But even if I heard someone among the JW's, who wasn't an elder or pioneer, make some grand claim I figured they were imagining things. My husbands aunt claimed Jesus appeared to her and told her to stop messing around with drugs and devote herself fully to Jehovah. She believes it happened. I believe she was high when it happened. Yet if a pioneer claims somebody dropped off a bag of groceries on their porch, "Hallelujah! Jah sure does care for his full-timers!" The rest aren't worthy.
Does that make any sense? I feel in kind of a rambling mood. LIke I should go to a bar and talk the bartenders ear off...
Terra Incognita
Of course; narcissistic, xenophobic, Jehovah's Witnesses do believe that God helps
"Worldly" people.
He helps them to become Jehovah's Witnesses.
jean-luc picard
You will see on news reports that escapees often say that they prayed to God and He delivered them. This seems to be typical human sentiment.
Those who did not escape also prayed to God: but they're not there to complain about not being heard.
"Time and unforseen occurence befall all men", jws included.
God is NOT a genie in a lamp!
jean-luc picard
At one assembly I remember hearing:
If you are serving Jehovah, and you are having difficulties, it is normal. Satan is trying to break your integrety.
If you are not serving Jehovah and you are having difficulties, its to be expected. It is a result of not listenning to His wise councel.
Conclusion: you are going to have difficulties. You cannot win.