I have wondered the same thing myself. I see other christians who talk about their fantastic relationship with GOD. and I would think to myself, If WE are the only true religion, then how can God be approving of you, be a friend of yours if your not a Jehovahs witness???. I always wondered if they were making it all up, they couldnt possibly know Jehovah because they are not "one of his people".....
The truth is, I personally had a wonderful relationship with God BEFORE i got babtized... after babtism it was all downhill.
One pioneer sister who studied with me a little while -right after babtism asked me how I came into "the truth". I told her that I started reading the bible everyday by myself, asked God for guidance and I began to understand and that no one came to my door, I just found the local hall and came to meetings myself. I told her that I found Jehovah myself.
She got upset after I finished talking and told me that what I was saying was impossible, that I had to brought in by someone IN the Organization..... and that there was no way I found God without the aid of one of his witnesses to teach me the truth. I sat there at my kitchen table and just looked at her like she was crazy.... needless to say that was our last book study together.. i did not want the crazy sister in my home anymore. She didnt like that I was honest with her, she wanted to hear something different....