I wonder if jesus did exist?i just wanted to know if having faith that he did is enough,i mean i like to have you know concrete proof about things and there isnt much proof he existed except that in the bible,maybe he was just another wannabe prophet,just think what people believe in today like faith healers they supposedly have healing powers,believers claim to be healed then later resume back to there normal condition etc etc. Is it all in there mind and they want it to be real they believe it so much that they think there cured even though there not you see wat im getting at people might of thought about jesus the same way like maybe looking for a hope in this healer or prophet and then claiming to be better because they were maybe over emotional about jesus.
did jesus really exist??
by master chief 20 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, he exist. And he still alive.
Good question: However, I would ask this: Has Jesus provided any light/teachings/truths that have had a positive impact in your life? I must say yes...........
“We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet
Five Gospels
What do you mean by "exist?" Are you asking whether a man named Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth roughly two millennia ago and sparked a religious movement that later became known as Christianity, or are you wondering whether Jesus (God) or Jesus (the only begotten son - a created divine being) was real?
The former seems to be well substantiated (even from non-Biblical sources) while the latter is subject to many different interpretations and much debate.
I am convinced that he was a historical person and I can't ignore the possibility that he was a special messenger for God. However, I often find myself asking this question: who created the Christian Jesus (as characterized by Christianity)... God or man?
Five Gospels,
The former seems to be well substantiated (even from non-Biblical sources) while the latter is subject to many different interpretations and much debate
I have not found any evidence to substantiate the Bible's claim that Jesus existed. I'm curious to hear what evidence you have found that supports this claim. I'm mostly interested in contemporary, first-hand accounts, and not second or third hand accounts recalled years after the supposed events took place. Of course, for the Bible's claim to be substantiated in any meaningful way, the coroborating evidence must be extra-biblical.rem
"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
I enter into this fray against my better judgement.
Personally, I believe that the Jesus of the Bible is a composite of several persons and their teachings, tempered with a little bit of mythology, and grown large into a legend. There is some literal truth to the story, but much more is to be gained by the meaning of the story than the literal truthfulness of the events.
The Jesus of the Bible is a creation of the early church and the writers of the early books. Most of the books did not find their way into the Bible canon.
This type of character personifies and embodies the wisdom of the day, so is a much more inspiring person than a literal human would be.
Hey Guys,
I wonder how many people know you existed if you died a hundred years ago? Not very many. But billions know that Jesus existed 2,000 years ago.
drahcir yarrum
I too have been told by fairly well educated people that Jesus of the Bibles existence is substantiated by historical proof. I have not, however seen such evidence. If it exists I would really like to see it, or any multiple historical accounts that are accepted by experts. I really do have an open mind on this, but must confess that I have some doubts about a real man by the name of Jesus as defined by the Bible. I'm ready to be proven wrong.
I do believe in the existence of Fredhall the weasalite.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
Are you trying to tell us that you not very well educated?
drahcir yarrum
Well Fredhall, as you might put it, "I is not as well educated as too many others is."
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College