I earned just over 50 credits at Boston College, and then trashed it to regular pioneer.
Winning !!!!! NOT.
I just turned 34,love my job and I'm attending a local uiniversity to try to finish what I started. I will admit Everytime I meet a witness with a degree I get pissed. Not at them,but more at the fact that I let people talk me out of it and did what others suggested rather than THINK for myself and be my own person.
A friend from Bethel is what got me to go back. Added him to my facebook page and noticed he had got his B.A. . Being that he went to bethel I just thought that was huge,because back in the mid 90's when I was in HS it was the old "Why would you invest four years in Satans system ?" line. And if you went to Bethel...then surely you didn't go to a four year school. Where is your faith in Jehovah to provide ?
Here we are....16 damn years later.