In 1964 or 1965, I was pioneering with my wife. Chairman Mao had brought out his little red book and the news media showed pictures of the happy faces of the Chinese people holding the books up and chanting. I think I was at an assembly though I can't remember. We had a red book at the time and the speaker was going to quote from it and everyone gabbed up their copies and I could see red books being held up all over the place and I thought 'WOW we're like the Chinese communists everyone having to read from the same page at the same time from our own little red book!' My fade had started.
The "WOW!!" moment...Theocratic Ministry School was a sham!
by Terry 98 Replies latest jw friends
I had been embedded in a STRONG DELUSION of education that was nothing more than pitiful parochial cult indoctrinations!
Well said Terry
And Edmond Dantes
the Ministry School should be called Selling the Product School it's the place where JWs go to learn how to place the company
product and how to overcome objections by becoming part of the company sales team.
The ministry School segment of the JW organization should really called the marketing and sales education classes for
the Watchtower Publishing Corporation, in all honesty and truthfulness.
I have said it before the Ministry School should be called Selling the Product School it's the place where JWs go to learn how to place the company product and how to overcome objections by becoming part of the company sales team.
Ever been to an MLM meeting? Many years ago I got roped into going to one, not really knowing what the deal was about MLMs. I quickly realized I wanted no part of it.
The thing about the meeting gave me an uncomfortable feeling. Instead of talking about the benefits of the product and why it's better than its competitors, they spent the entire time telling you how to recruit friends and family to be members of the group. Once they're in, then you move up the ladder and get dividends from their sales. Odd thing though - no one's talking about how to actually make a sale, just how to recruit.
The discomfort came from what I think was my subconscious making a connection between an MLM meeting and a WT Service Meeting. At the Service Meeting we weren't building up faith or sharing testimonies or whatever they do in normal churches. We were learning how to recruit people. Mainly door to door, but family, co-workers...anyone that we came across. Granted, the JW meeting did discuss the product and how to use it and overcome objections. Odd thing though - no one's really talking about how to actually use a Bible, just how to recruit using WT tools.
Another important thing worthy to realize is that this training is being expressively put forth as being wholly approved by no other than God himself.
And that all individuals who are taking impart of the education is endeavoring themselves to be approved by God, come the eventually judgment day
of Armageddon.
The WTS. has said time and time again that their organization is the only organization that holds this special
certification. Good exploitive and manipulative marketing is it not ?
*** Deluded x-factor looser *** FAIL
Watch her eyes widen when told she is no good and deluded...
Have you ever sat behind a chronic head nodder? Irritating.
I have quite a few 45+ year olds in my KH doing this
The WT does strike me as a sales organization with techniques and canned presentations (cf. Mormon missionaries). The average JW is not thinking critically, just being indoctrinated into group think and pat answers. Raymond Franz came to his senses when he was forced to read Christendom's commentaries that put verses in context vs proof texts out of context. WT pseudo-scholarship is shoddy and dishonest. Their numerous errors and false doctrine proves that they are mere men groping in the dark, not a mouthpiece for Jehovah. I love the Bible and love conservative Christian scholarship. I don't know how JWs can stand what they are being fed (though it gives simple answers that appeal to the flesh, but fails to wrestle with the great doctrinal truths of Scripture that are not always presented in a neat systematic package like WT literature). I graduated with a Bachelor of Theology from the early 80s. I still remember the great Pauline exegesis I learned under a doctorate professor (who just retired at age 75 after teaching at a College for 35 years that has sent leaders to all corners of the planet). Godly, wise teachers in the Body of Christ make the WT look like kindergarten. Their Jn. 1:1 'a god' perversion is reason enough to not consider the WT a credible option as possible truth.
The reason why the Theocratic Ministry School is a fail when it comes to teaching one how to teach the Bible is because it is not really any kind of a semenary whatsoever. It is a SALES TRAINING MEETING in which JW's (sales reps) are taught techniques for pitching and placing WT publications.
The organization is a corporation set up to make its money like a multi-level marketing company, not so much from placing mags and books with householders (retail customers) but from making EVERYONE in the company a distributor. 90 percent of WT consumers are distributors, and those distributors purchase product for both personal use and distribution every week.
7,508,050 JW's, all of which are said to be "publishers" and "ordained ministers" trained at the Theocratic Ministry School.
Each JW must have their own study copy. 7,508,050 copies automatically sold, boom.
7,508,050 copies X average contribution of (conservatively) .25 per copy = $1,877,012.50
2 issues per month (WT Mags) and 1 issue per month (Awake mags) would bring our conservative figure to $5,631,037.50 per month or $67,572,450.00 per year.
Since the Report of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide does not report how many publications are actually consumed we can only guestimate based on practical experience.
If each publisher purchases a total of only 9 extra magazines per month (6 WT and 3 Awake) to place out in field service, that would be a total of $810,869,400.00 per year in tax-free revenue.
$810,869,400.00 per year for magazines purchased by JW's for placement
$ 67,572,450.00 per year for personal study copies of those same magazines.
$878,441,850.00 could realistically be what the WTBTS collects each year for magazines alone.
This does not include books, brochures, bibles and tracts. We know the WTBTS does, I think, over a billion a year in tax-free revenue as a printing and publishing corporation.
JW's are the sales reps.
The Theocratic Ministry School is the sales training meeting that teaches the reps how to present and place.
thanks, Terry/appreciate. I will definitely check/read his posts --- seems i noticed them a few days ago. was thinking of enrolling for a semester in course at college but seems a waste of time w/all that's available on this website. trying to determine the best avenue w/least amt. of time involved.
thanks, again.
Ballistic. Mwahahahahahahahahahaha! I never saw that one, thanks for sharing it!
Peace Sprout