There is abundant evidence that Mark’s stories are fictional. In this post, I will explain how Mark’s story of Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the five thousand (Mark 6:32-42) was copied from Scripture.
At the beginning of his story, Mark wants his readers to believe that his Jesus is just as compassionate as the Lord, so he introduces him as a person who was just as concerned as the Lord is for people who are like sheep without a shepherd. Here are the parallel passages:
I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he will tend them; he will tend them and be their shepherd. (Ezekiel 34:23)...May the LORD…appoint a man…so the LORD's people will not be like sheep without a shepherd. (Numbers 27:16-17)
Jesus ...had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. (Mark 6:34)
Now that Mark’s readers know that Jesus is just as kind as the sheep-shepherding Lord, Mark next has Jesus be even better the divine figure, Elisha, who miraculously multiplied food.
Just as Elisha’s servant objects when told to feed one hundred people with little food, so does Mark have Jesus’ disciples object when Jesus tells them to feed five thousand with little food. Here are the parallel pages:
"Give it to the people to eat," Elisha said. "How can I set this before a hundred men?" his servant asked. (2 Kings 4:42-43)
"You give them something to eat." They said to him, "That would take eight months of a man's wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?" (Mark 6:37)
Scripture says that the people are the Lord’s sheep who he has lie down on green pastures. Mark wants his readers to know that his Jesus is just as concerned for the comfort of his sheep as is the Lord, so just as the Lord has his sheep lie down on the grass, Mark has Jesus do the same thing:
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures (Psalm 23:1-2)
Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass (Mark 6:39)Finally, just as Elisha miraculously caused all of the people to be fed on almost no food and still had food left over, so did Jesus feed the five thousand on almost no food, with food left over:
Then [Elisha] set it before them, and they ate and had some left over. (2 Kings 4:43-44)It should be obvious to all but those who operate at the “if the Bible said it, I believe it” level of idiot-fundamentalism that Mark’s story of the miraculous feeding is probably completely fictional.[quote]Then [Jesus]...divided the two fish among them all... They all ate and were satisfied... and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls [of leftover food]. (Mark 6:41-45)
A fuller exposition of the miraculous feeding stories is found in the article, “Loaves and Fishes” on the web page shown in the signature below.
Joseph F. Alward
"Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"