The Infamous May 15th 1984 Watchtower "1914: The Generation That Will Not Pass Away"

by PublishingCult 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    On the Bluetooth angle, could someone with a laptop in the parking lot of the KH maybe send the images to people inside? What is the range?

  • clarity

    The credit for this masterpiece of the Watchtower magazine, goes to our own very dear FatFreek ! Great job!


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Wonder what long winded rebuttal someone, like say..........'djeggnog' would have to this thread.

    I mean how could anyone in his right mind defend the WTBTS after this obvious screw-up?

    Can't help but think of 1Cor 4:6 ......'Do not go beyond the things that are written'. The WTBTS clearly went way too far on speculating on this one!

    I think an apology from the Society to JW world is in order. This magazine boldly demonstrates the type of roller coaster ride the WTBTS has put its' members thru over the years.

    on this topic.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    "The 144,000 figure was fulfilled decades ago"

    The current reasoning is that Jehovah knew how long this system would go on so he saved some spots to ensure that there would be FDS alive on earth when the great trib began.

    Of course the real thing to wrap one's mind around is the problem with the idea that the WT teaches that there has always been a FDS from the 1st centruy C.E. up to now. In the first century, I recall some researchers (I think Leolaia) have conservatively calculated that there were between 20,000 and 50,000 Christians. Remember all these were annointed as the WT teaches that the first Christians were pretty much all anointed - based on the idea of the 144,000 being 'firstfruits'. So I'm not sure what the highest annointed number ever recorded was by JWs - but I'd guess there were at least 50,000 or so since the org began (I mean hell, there's almost 12,000 right now). Also, don't forget that in Russel's day, he noted there were other Christians, obviously with the heavenly hope, who were not part of the WT org - such as George Storrs. So assuming that in the modern-day org there have been 50,000 annointed and let's just say 10,000 , annointed Russell Contemporaries. And let's be real conservative, and say only 20,000 1st century annointed. So that leaves 64,000 spots to have been taken in 19 centuries. How many people lived that claimed Christianity in that time period - a billion, 500 million, 100 million? I don't know - but I know it's a lot - a lot more than 64,000 or even 144,000. The WT loves to talk about known Bible promoters like Tyndale and others and imply that they were likely FDS/annointed. However, for every one that was known, like Tyndale, how many others were not known? How many humble Christian women of which there was no record of, would have been called? The idea that no more than 64,000 Christians were annointed over 19 centuries, is just mathematically stupid. The same really can be said if it was 144,000 - so ridiculous to think that there were not at least 144,000 annointed christians, not just in the span of 19 centuries, but much earlier.

    In the end, there is so much that doesn't make sense about the whole 144,000 annointed remnant generation, that it is amazing that anyone buys it all, but most of us here did at one time.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    On the Bluetooth angle, could someone with a laptop in the parking lot of the KH maybe send the images to people inside? What is the range?

    Theoretically, yes.

    Dependent on the Class, range is up to ~100 meters. Using a laptop as the transmitter of the message is certainly advantageous, as Class/range is directly related to transmitter power output, which in turn would be sized up for the energy source - i.e laptop battery vs. mobile device battery.

    More info here.

    I also think the source device should be named something JW friendly (agape101, Truth212, pioneer7 ).

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I LOVE this idea (the bluetooth thing).

    I think I'll try it soon

  • straightshooter

    I remember that Watchtower and the hope it instilled in me back then. But with the new WTS explanation on the meaning of a generation, all hope is faded away to see the end in my life.

  • undercover

    I remember that Watchtower and the hopefear it instilled in me back then...

    That magazine had its desired effect on me. I did the math.... 1984, 1914... anyone of age to understand the time period would be pushing 80 or more years old. Even those born in 1914 were 70.

    The end was very close. I needed to get my shit together. I knew I wasn't an exemplary dub. At the time the magazine came out, I was kinda leading a double life. I was going to have to choose one over the other.

    I chose poorly for the next decade or so.

  • OnTheWayOut

    One of the WT's first teachings on the 1914 doctrine was that the generation had to be old enough to be able to discern the meaning of the events in 1914. Essentially, they used to teach that the generation had to be "adult" in 1914 before they switched to allowing newborn babies to be part of that 1914 generation.

    In recent months, verified "oldest people living" have passed away at 114 or 115 years of age.
    So among the oldest living people on the planet, there are literally less than 10 people who could even come close to being considered "adult" in 1914. They would have been 16 or 17 years old in late 1914. (A single human, Besse Cooper, would have been 17 before October 1st, 1914- for some reason, Oct. 1st is a magical JW date when everything takes place.)

    In another 14 to 16 years, even the 1914 babies will have 100% passed away. So it's another proof that WTS never got anything right.

    I know they don't stand by such teachings anymore, but some JW's hold out because they were taught this for so long. It's time to point out how this teaching is not accurate anymore. I know some will say there's still maybe 16 years left. Some will even say there could be people living a slight bit longer that have avoided being noticed by any census or by world records, but seriously- the 1914 generation is dead. There's just a few babies left.

  • snowbird

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