The NBC news just showed the latest update on Enron. Ken Lay will show up...Yada Yada Yada.
The next clip dealt with a man and wife...he worked at Enron. Their financial planner told them to diversify and not put all their holdings into Enron stock. They did not listen and lost everything. His million dollar 401k is now worth $6500.00 The reporter asked why did you not listen to the financial planner?
"Well, they were so good to us, we wanted to support the company."
Bull....They were greedy.
I worked at Lucent Technologies when then became Lucent until 1999. I bought company stock at 15% less than the OTC price. I put my whole 401k in the Lucent Stock fund. The stock went up everyday. We had coffee klatches about the stock and how high it would go. People would sit at lunch and break determining when they would retire, based upon the price of Lucent stock.
When I left the company to move to Ohio, in mid 1999, the stock was in the $60's...all the shares I had purchased to that date, I purchased in the teens, twenties and thirties. My 401k was more balanced with the price of stock...every month, stock was purchased at the discount rate and put into your 401k. Not bad....
While I watched the stock price climb to $82.00 a share in February 2000, I was very happy...lots of money to be made! Then the stock started to drop. And drop. And drop. Today the closing price is $5.75 a share. I personally lost my 401k and about $15,000 in stock purchases.
Where was the government when the most highly touted company of the late 1990's was dicking around with their books?! No where.
What relief is the government (and all you taxpayers) giving Lucent employees who put all of their 401 savings into the Lucent stock fund? No where. Thousands of Lucent employees are destitute for retirement due to this...just like Enron.
We were greedy...just as the Enron employees were. We thought that the company would keep growing. And the stock would continue to go up in price. The bottom line is that we were stupid and greedy.
Does the company hold some responsibility for this? Maybe...but they did not twist our arms to put our money in the Lucent stock fund 401k, nor did they twist my arm or the arms of all the other employees who purchased stock. We got greedy.
It all comes down to responsibility. I take responsibility for my stupid action. Rather than selling the stock when it was in the $70-80 range, I wanted more. Pity me. [8>]
That is what I see with Enron employees. Similar situation. No one forced them. The Enron employee above saying that he put his whole 401k into the company as a show of support is in denial. He was greedy. Just like many, many of my friends and colleages at Lucent Technologies.