My whole life as a JW I've heard this refrain. "Too bad so-and-so wasn't here for that Local Needs talk."
As an Elder I would have a hard time putting my heart into writing up a Local Needs talk that was targeting one or two congregation members, knowing full well they probably wouldn't be there to hear it.
Now it comes full circle. This week we were multi-tasking as usual watching American Idol on TV while the phone was tied in to the meetings. Usually we just listen to the Local Announcements, but since there was a Local Needs talk, we listened to a few minutes of it as well. We definitely fit the target demographic of the talk. The irony was not lost on me that I too had wasted many hours preparing these talks and in the end they were just so much wasted breath.
How about you?
Ever have a Local Needs talk with your name on it?