Most local needs talks are a complete waste of time. The major ones I remember had to do with presenting the appearance of happiness (so they wouldn't have had to create the reality of the opposite sex wanting me around at a$$emblies), and my favorite was when they were starting small fires in the bathrooms. Apparently, they need to waste time bashing people that miss the boasting sessions.
"Local Needs" Talks: The people who should really hear them are never there.
by Open mind 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We were trying to build a new KH for several years, I cannot count how many times I had to endure countless local need parts on the new KH build, they were always given by the same elder our PO, who happen to sell them the property for the KH that he owned and now lives 50yards away with his own personal gate entrance............. I hated those talks
Found Sheep
reminds me of the post KH build and the local needs is "we need your money"
SirNose, the hubby and I got hooked on playing Halo. One night we were up to 5 in the morning and I had work at 7! We never did get into the sequels.
My brother, sister, and I got in trouble for playing D&D. My parents didn't have a problem with it; they had listened to a couple of our scenarios and were just happy that we were getting along together. Then someone from the gestapo heard about it and we couldn't play anymore. Don't want to stumble anyone! So then we went back to playing fantasy RPGs on the Super Nintendo- because they're so different from D&D, right?
Willy - good point...
An organization that was truly motivated by love and the desire to engaged in "a life-saving work" would be on top of this.
There is really nothing about the JW communication style, actions and policies that conducts a "life-saving work. There are a few Witnesses who actually do good things for others, but the organization as a whole - not a chance.
OM - I am giving a local needs talk next weekend the title is "Life is too Short to Drink Bad Wine" - hopefully you can dial in :)
Im sure they had one about the dangers of the internet and apostate sites after I left. They lost a pioneer brother and an MS who was moving along ratger nicely in the congregation ladder.
Open mind
Happy Saturday everyone. Gotta run off to work just now but thanks for the comments.
zarco: ""Life is too Short to Drink Bad Wine" (We just finished a two-week tee-totaling test, so we enjoyed some good stuff last night.)
Hey, I wonder if our Talk Coordinator would be interested in having a guest speaker for Local Needs?
I'll check in later everyone.
Open mind
flipper: "Even if some ARE at meetings when a local needs talk is given- there are no guarantees the person will apply what's being said to themselves."
Interesting story re: your ex, Queen of DeNile.
Pitchess Co-Gen: " he was trying to convice me to stay in my parents home and not move out"
Wow. That's unusual for someone who's getting DFed. Usually there's unofficial behind-the-scenes pressure on the parents to give adult DFed children the boot.
stapler99: "they were stated in such vague terms that it was unrecognizable what they really were about."
I think many Elders get tired of "beating the sheep" month after month. (Of course, there are plenty of exceptions.) So unless someone had just been reproved or needed to be "marked", lots of months we'd just decide to give an "encouraging" talk for Local Needs. Other months, the BOE would compromise and allow two or three separate items to be addressed in the same talk. Result? The indistinct trumpet blast you described. Please pardon my WT-speak.
SirNose586: ""What Br. [Nose] said was all very timely and useful, and something else needs to be mentioned. Halo is another game that has become very popular, and features graphic violence," said Br. P.O."
I guess he really showed you who's Boss.
tracylee: "You decided to wear THAT to the meeting?" and I would ask what was wrong with it, they would just say something vague like, "Don't you think it's a WORLDLY style of clothing?"
TACTIC SUGGESTION FOR WATCHTOWER: Stop encouraging "older sisters" to counsel younger ones on dress and grooming. Just let UNSPOKEN peer pressure take it's course and continue to picture nerds gardening in khakis and big dresses in the literature.
watersprout: said re: the belly button piercing Local Needs talk: "Would they have to announce your name to mark you?"
No. Marking talks never mention the person by name. (WT legal dept at work there I'm sure.) That's why we invited the "marked" moocher over for dinner, since we didn't personally know who the moocher was.
WTWizard: "my favorite was when they were starting small fires in the bathrooms."
First time I've heard of that particular method of dealing with boredom at the meetings.
manthedan: "I had to endure countless local need parts on the new KH build,"
As found sheep suggested, were these money begging talks?
jadeen: "My brother, sister, and I got in trouble for playing D&D. "
Oh yeah. Dungeons & Dragons is positively dripping with demons. Just as bad as a Ouija Board. (I doubt we'll ever see an article about how the idio-motor effect works.)
MrFreeze: " dangers of the internet and apostate sites"
Watchtower's biggest foe. Glad you made it out.
NOTE TO FLIPPER: Phew!!! I don't know how you do it. It's a lot of work to reply to everyone.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
Open Mind: "Were these money begging talks?"
Absolutely they were! Not only begging for money but also begging for support because most people were angry that this Kingdom Hall was being built.