As time goes on, the towers are gonna get more strict on the rank and file, because they want to keep them there. Just as simple as that.
The GB tightening their grip! Straw to break a camel's back?
by punkofnice 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You can start to see a state of paranoia within the GB themselves, the video of them that came out last year was full
of their own inspired propaganda. The phrase " We are preaching the Truth " was heard over and over again by all
of the GB commentators. Of course the truth to the GB is whatever they say or tell, the real Truth is quite different and
is much more involving to reach. Bullshitting with god as your backer is quite an easy task when you think about, there are many religious
organizations that are also aware of this one singular fact.
I have had enough of control freaks. I want out.
I did a side-by-side comparison of the new simplified version vs. the study edition. OBEY the faithful and discreet slave...the grip is definitely tightening.
The WTS. has survived by exploiting peoples fears and insecurities, they are just being more direct and cunning about the operation in general.
I was shocked when they actually brought two different versions of the Watchtower.
One has more direct cultism than the other, but they still use provocations of fear to cull people to the organization.
Vachi 8 He Is
The WTB(s)TS is on more damage control than they ever have been. Just 17 or 18 years ago if you wanted to know about something you either grabbed a newspaper or you watched the news, both of which was limited to local info and big happenings. Now, if anything surfaces we have almost immediate access to info about it online. Used to be that if you wanted to make a video you had to lug around a huge camcorder and blank VHS tapes. Now, all one needs is a phone. The greatest enemy the washtowel has right now isn't Satan, it's information being spread freely and immediately. So they're gonna keep trying to scare you about the dangers of the internet (porn, pedophilia, the big bad apostates lying on the helpless and honest society) cause really, that's all they have. Forget the cowbell, more smoke and mirrors.
Lunatic Faith
In the 80s and 90s, I remember hearing the phrase "The Society says" all the time. People have substituted this with "The Faithful Slave says"
I was always getting corrected by my dad for saying "the society". And I know it was because he got harshly corrected by the elders for using a term he had used for 50 years. When he corrected me he always said, "The elders think using the term 'society' sounds like a secretive organization and makes people think JW's are strange." Really? Imagine that.
there are some very interesting observations here. Thanks for your thoughts.
I was interested to see the 'Janet and John' watchtower (Rank&FileGuy), simply has 'cult' written all over it.
I thought it was bad when Jaracz was cracking the whip but it seems they're actually ramping it up even further.
Room 215
Let's ask ourselves: What is the likely result of being fed a steady diet of "Respect us! Obey us! Or Else" in a drumbeat that gets louder and louder?
Amazing difference between those two translations. When you think of the kind of countries where simplified english will be used... it's clear that the WTS is abusing their power there.