I remember asking an elder once why we couldn't celebrate Mothers Day or Fathers Day. He said it was because "honor is only supposed to go to Jehovah". I said "What about the 5th Commandment to honor your father and your mother?"
He gave me a stern frown and invited me into the Second School "for a little chat". Got raked over the coals for daring to quote the bible question anything drooling from the feable-and-incontinent-Slaaaaave class.
How utterly pathetic that you're not allowed to honour your mother if she's unfortunat enough to be a Witness. Well, the only positive thing is when I go into work tomorrow and everyone asks about what I did for Mothers Day, I will tell them exactly why I didn't do anything, and watch them recoil in horror that any religion could possibly be that pathetic and idiotic.