Mary said:" remember asking an elder once why we couldn't celebrate Mothers Day or Fathers Day. He said it was because "honor is only supposed to go to Jehovah". I said "What about the 5th Commandment to honor your father and your mother?"
He gave me a stern frown and invited me into the Second School "for a little chat". Got raked over the coals for daring to quote the bible question anything drooling from the feable-and-incontinent-Slaaaaave class.
How utterly pathetic that you're not allowed to honour your mother if she's unfortunat enough to be a Witness. Well, the only positive thing is when I go into work tomorrow and everyone asks about what I did for Mothers Day, I will tell them exactly why I didn't do anything, and watch them recoil in horror that any religion could possibly be that pathetic and idiotic."
How I love your style and spunk!
My adult daughter was telling me today that one weekend 2 witnesses knocked on her door early in the morning on a weekend. Well she gets up real early to go to work all week and likes to sleep in on weekends..they knocked once and she figured they would go away..well they knocked again , louder..she was getting pissed..when they apparently saw her peek out the bedroom curtain they opened the screen door and banged on the main door..that did it..she flew to the window and thru it open and cussed them out..she said one lady jumped and looked terrified.. My daughter said, they have a lot of nerve..banging on my door like that so early in the morning..(9am is early to her on the weekends) I was ROTFL. She said she needs a
"No soliciting" sign..I filled her in on that one..
So proud of my daughter...Snoozy