((((lauralisa and son)))))
I'm breathless and out of words. You have a talented son dear!
by lauralisa 13 Replies latest jw friends
((((lauralisa and son)))))
I'm breathless and out of words. You have a talented son dear!
Hey Lauralisa,
I found the poem beautiful and touching. Like others have said, I am glad he has that outlet for his feelings. I also got the sense that your son is very concerned about you and how you're dealing with things?(sorry if I'm wrong about that)
Our kids identify greatly with us as parents, and they watch how we deal with problems in our life. The best thing you can do for your son is take care of yourself so that you can be an emotional anchor for him...that way he has someone he feels is strong enough to talk to about his stuff.
My two boys are 15 & 16, I also diligently raised them as JW's until they were 12 & 13. It wasn't easy leaving...I also divorced their dad at the same time, so these poor kids had alot on their plates. My younger son also has ADD, and was struggling in school. My older son was emotionally distant from everyone and seemed incapable of human interaction. I put them both in therapy...one of the best things I did for them. The other thing I did for them was told them and showed them that I was allright, and while they were struggling to figure out the world around them, that they could count on me to be there for them...no matter what.
I'm happy to tell you that they are both doing very well now. The older son now has his first girlfriend(in light of the emotinal issues he had you will understand why this is exciting) my younger son is home schooling because regular school was just too much for him to handle. We found a really great accredited program that he does online, and he can work at his own pace. It was a tremendous boost to his self esteem. And the icing on the cake is...they have both expressed to me their appreciation for my help and guidance in their lives. (sniff, sniff) I didn't expect to hear that until they were in their 30's!
Anyway, my email is open if you ever need support and encouragement. Give this to your son for me!
She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome
So many kids, so much pain.
I feel these words too, as that day 24yrs ago is still fresh and it still hurts bad.
Thank you for sharing.
If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger
Hey ((((Laura)))),
I just saw this today...sorry for not responding sooner! There isn't much I can add to what others here have said, but I want you to know that your son's words touched me also.
The worst thing in the world for a mother to endure is her children hurting. The best thing for hurting children, though, is a mother who cares and who will be there for them no matter what and that is what you are doing for your son. I can get bitter and angry and shout "Why" (as Wendy mentioned) to the universe but that rarely makes me feel any better. I can also go through the list of major mistakes I've made with my kids but that doesn't help either. What they need, and what we can give them, is unconditional love and support. My email is open to you anytime, please remember that!!