Soaring Gas Prices

by 1975 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1975

    What effect will the gas hike have on you?


  • prophecor

    Fewer trips to Burger King. No more joyridin'. Car eats before I do.

  • snowbird

    I'm doing a lot more coordinating of errands.


  • outlawwilly

    FOOD PRICES!!! All these freaking speculation fueled price increases are getting out of hand. How, can we as a country (Canada) who PRODUCE a shit tonne of oil and sell it off, still be paying "market" pricing for oil? Makes zero sense. To boot, these speculators artifically drive up the prices. Now we just had a huge price increase here at the pumps overnight. Now it is at $1.40 per litre. ($5.29 gallon) Now, that we have Hapless Harper back in power, it will only get worse. I am at the point now, where I buy just raw ingredents and make most what I can at home. It has literally come to the breaking point for a lot of people. Fuel prices makes everything more expensive. However, most humans are just right out stupid. They continue paying these prices and do not change any habits, so there is no incentive for oil companies not to fleece them for every penny they can. Until a lot of people change their way of living, this gouging will continue, all the while, these corps. will be turning record profit after record profit. I used to have a car. I used to live in the suburbs. I used to be at the mercy of driving everyday, but I was flat out FORCED to change my habits because I just could not afford to live that way anymore. Now I live in the downtown core. I walk most places I can and then I am at the mercy of public transit or taxis. That said though, I am no longer paying almost $1k a month on owning an automobile. However, I am still getting raped at the grocers because of the cost of fuel. (rant over)

  • ballistic

    We pay £1.40 per litre. Stop complaining! LOL

  • 1975

    Without doubt it will affect our wallets and purses. This mornings TV news had some gas stations lined up with cars galore. On top of this explosion of gas prices we have the floods, and that means farming will suffer and the price of food will sky-rocket.


  • PSacramento

    We are up to 1.39 per litre, even though we are not dependant on foreign oil.

    It's freaking ridiculous.

    Granted we are incredibly over taxed in Ontario, but still it boggles the mind.

  • ballistic

    How, can we as a country (Canada) who PRODUCE a shit tonne of oil and sell it off, still be paying "market" pricing for oil?

    You want them to sell it to you below market price?

  • PSacramento
    You want them to sell it to you below market price?

    I think he means "end user" market price.

    Canada sells oil to the US for LESS than canadian, that OWN the oil, pay for it.

    And yes, never forget that as a NATURAL RESOURCE, oil is OWNED by the Canadian people, we simply allow petrochemical companies to refine it and sell it for a profit :)

    The issue here is how OVERLY taxed Gas is.

  • ballistic

    Yes, I agree with you on the tax point, but Governments don't see oil as belonging "to the people". They sell expensive licenses to the gas companies. The gas companies then "own" the oil they pump. They sell it on the global market. Why would they want to sell it for any less than they can get for it? The Canadian governement sets the levels of taxation both on export oil and the price at the pump. I don't know what these exact prices are in Canada, but I am guessing the government would not want to tax exports too heavily.

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