BS as usual
Ooops left food out last night...
by sinis 57 Replies latest jw friends
Methinks there is a difference between what is acceptable at home and what is acceptable in a restaurant. At home, we are not under the same constraints or liability. A restaurant has, and should have, higher standards, because they have greater liability issues. They should err on the side of caution.
My grandmother was raised in the Depression and never threw away a morsel of food in her life. She once chased a grizzly bear because he stole a box of brown sugar from our campsite. She raised 4 healthy boys. (She did make a few people sick a time or two.)
Anybody ever eat any food past its expiration date and live to tell?
It's OK to place hot food into your refrigerator.
The proper guidelines for food handling tell you to refrigerate within two hours. More than two hours in the danger zone allows bacteria to multiply. You're not going to get sick every time (or you're not going to feel it or attribute it to the food), but those who do get sick, get sick because of improper food handling.
Outlaw is 100% right.
All you have to do is google food handling safety from a reputable place.
take it from a chef (me) :) No itr is NOT safe lol. There is a process called binary fission. It is basically if food is left out in a temperature in what we call the "danger zone" anywhere between 5 - 63% it will fester and bacteria multiplies every 20minutes or part thereof. Bacteria is killed if food is above 63%. when you are finished cooking its important to chill it quickly. get it back below 5%. normally its ok, to leave really hot food out to cool down since you cant refrigerate it striaght away, but in your case that it has been left out all night :S i would think twice.....
hey if anyone wants to see any of my dishes , i keep a portfoloio on facebook :) you may inbox me ;)
Home cooking involves small quantities that cool quickly in the frig, heat quickly on the stove. Restaurant food prepared hot and put into a walk in to cool can be dangerous because the 'core' takes a long time to cool. It is recommended to cool large batches of liquid with ice tube inserts before refrigerating.
In the thread description post I still maintain it is safe the next morning. I do it all the time, rather than put a 4 qt pot of hot chicken broth in the frig.
Domestic cooking and institutional cooking have different dynamics for spoilage.
Left over homemade potato salad from the summer picnic is definately right out!
A Cooking Hint for those of you that make Large Batches of Food..
To be Eaten at a Later Date..
Once the food is cooked..You need to bring the temperature of the food down quickly..
If the container of food is too large to put in the refrigerator..
Put the pot you cooked the food in,in the Kitchen sink filled with ice..Thats called an "Ice Bath"..
If you don`t have any ice,use cold Tap water..When the water warms up empty the sink and put more cold water in it..
Once the food is cool enough,put it in containers and freeze it..
Using that method,you will keep you and your family safe from any food related sickness and or Death..
I understand what it is,not to know the things I am Posting here..
I didn` know much,before I went to Culinary Arts School..
I hope my Education and Experience can help you in the Kitchen at Home,or a Working Kitchen..
In the thread description post I still maintain it is safe the next morning. I do it all the time, rather than put a 4 qt pot of hot chicken broth in the frig.
Domestic cooking and institutional cooking have different dynamics for spoilage.....Glander
You don`t know what your talking about..Bacteria doesn`t care where it grows..
Bacteria doubles every 20 minutes,if it`s not in a food safe environment..
Before you can give Professional Advice..You need an Education..
Something you obviously Don`t Have..
White Dove
A basic food handler's education that includes all you need to know to keep food safe is only $16.
So simple to get a card to be able to work and serve safe food.
The actual information minus the card is on the 'net.
I need to brush up as it's been a year since I got my card.
OUTLAW, you are invaluable! Thank you!
The Taco Bell I work at is in Arizona and a real stickler for safety.
Most of the workers barely speak English, but that doesn't matter as everything is printed in English and Spanish (their first language), and the rules are enforced.
There is another way to get sick from food: Improper food rotation.
FIFO is first in first out.