Conspiracy theorists

by JimmyPage 182 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    I believe in the ultimate conspiracy.

    There is this secret "think tank" organization dedicated exclusively to inventing bogus conspiracies. The purpose of creating these bogus conspiracies is to keep people so occupied with them that they won't discover the real conspiracies.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I believe that squirrels are plotting to wipe out out humanity. They gather nuts for the purpose of building a superweapon.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Apparently, Watchtower spies are going on Six Screens pretending to be gay to bring Six Screens down by discrediting it as a homophobic-run apostate paradise.

    That, or they actually want to keep it running because Rick Fearon is actually a Watchtower spy being used to fulfill all the promises of WTS that apostates just want their own following and make up lies about WTS.

    Either way, it fits the category.

  • 1975

    Mr Freeze, refute what the fireman heard and saw at 911. I wasn't there and neither were you. Your site provided some intersting comments about conspiracy theorists.

    First things first.


  • MrFreeze

    ProdigalSon, it would take more than 2 weeks to set up demolitions in two buildings of that size. 1975, you cant move on to a new point until you provide an adequate answer for my question.

  • ProdigalSon

    I agree with you MrFreeze. I don't know when they did it all. I just know it was controlled demolition. Leave the main towers aside, and just look at Building 7. Silverstein admitted he gave the order to pull the building. When did they wire it? Did you know that the 20th floor of Building 7 was the billion-dollar "Emergency Bunker" for Rudolph Giuliani, that he never used on the very day for which it was intended? I would conclude it was the command center for the whole operation.

    Do you know about the woman, whose firefighter husband was killed in the collapse, who confronted Giuliani and wanted to know how he knew the south tower was going to collapse 10 minutes before it did? NO steel building had ever collapsed before, so this was a valid question. Giuliani just looked at her like the cat who swallowed the canary and walked away. This is all on video if you search for it.

    Did you know about William Rodriguez, who was critically injured by a blast in the basement of the north tower before the first plane even hit it?

    Did you know that the Secret Service and the CIA had offices in Building 7? Did you know they had the whole thing broom swept within a couple of days?

    I could go on and on with things you can never refute, but you can try.

  • MrFreeze

    I like that answer. Reminds me of JW logic. Bombs would have had to been in there for months and you would think bomb sniffing dogs would have gotten them. But hey, you just know it was controlled demolition. Youve sold me.

  • ProdigalSon

    Perhaps these weren't your standard controlled demolition devices. What kind of devices do you know of that can turn steel and concrete into powder? One cleanup worker was amazed that he couldn't find anything in the pile of debris larger than a small piece of a telephone keypad. Dust particles of human bone were found on the roof of the Deutschbank building across the street. You're telling me jet fuel did this? Who is to say that with enough manpower, you can't wire building of that size in a weekend?

  • 1975

    The following was a site that was past on to me. On the upper left side of this site I clicked into "links on topic" and Jesse Ventura came up. Apparently he was in demolition and he said the twin towers didn't collapse but was a controlled demolition. For me, I go along with the comments of the firemen, explosions.


  • ProdigalSon

    Tell me your theory on what it was that toasted 1400 vehicles all over lower Manhattan, some of them over a half mile away?

    Here's one that exploded from the inside out...

    What is it about engine blocks that jet fuel loves to fry?

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