Conspiracy theorists

by JimmyPage 182 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1975

    ProdigalSon, don't allow others to get the best of you. You provided videos to view, what did they provide, NOTHING, only saving face! My question about the firemen's hearing EXPLOSIONS doesn't inpress them. They can't explain that and yet this one person is asking how they brought the bombs in the WTC and sniffing dogs couldn't detect it? How do we know it was sniffing dogs How can one ask about how the bombs were brought in and yet can't explain the firemen's hearin EXPLOSIONS? Is there something wrong with this picture? Saving face is the last resort.


  • sizemik

    1975 . . .

    My question about the firemen's hearing EXPLOSIONS doesn't inpress them. They can't explain that

    sizemik . . .

    Eventual structual failure would have "evened out" extremely quickly on account of the extreme weight and energy stored in the floors above. The energy being released would have been accompanied by extremely loud explosive type noises . . . momentarily before movement became obvious

    Please read my post above . . . these are thoughts related to me by a structual engineer . . . his opinions.

    Firemen are just that . . . they are not engineers or demolition experts and are not usually exposed to this type of occurrence . . . they were simply relating thier experiences as they recalled them.

    Once again . . . I'm not de-bunking entirely the possibility of conspirator involvement . . . but you need to keep an open mind and explore all possibilities before committing to belief.

  • 1975

    Sizemik, I agree, however hearing explosins on the bottom floors raise questions. Didn't the plane enter the top portion of the building? Why the explosions on the bottom floor? Also, the THICKNESS of the inner core steel, how can jet fuel eat away steel within an hour on floor to floor.What seems to be the problem with my question? The videos PS provided should make any thinking person wonder, why the explosions?


  • ProdigalSon

    The funny part of this is, what I have presented is only the tip of the iceberg. I haven't even unleashed 10 percent of the government's bullshit, and I haven't touched the Pentagon situation, which is ten times more ridiculous than this one. I showed you Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta testifying at the 911 Commission hearings of personally witnessing the Cheney stand-down, but his testimony, along with 78 other high-ranking official witnesses, was thrown out because our trusty government enacted "State Secret Privilege", and put gag orders on everybody. Just google Sibel Edmonds, FBI translator, and see what she has to say. Yep, you can get away with murder if you can't be touched.

    As far as I'm concerned, just ONE anomaly in the government's story brings down the whole house of cards, just like 1914 brings down the Watchtower's house of cards. But you can only see if your eyes are opened. I can't open them for you.

  • 1975

    PS, some people just don't want to be convinved, no matter what. These folks were not on the scene of the crime and yet they know all the facts,as though they were there on scene of the explosions, oh, was there explosions? Yeah, a simple plane crash will create such a massive damage.As I said, you provided videos, what did they provide?


  • ProdigalSon

    1975, thanks for your support on this thread.

    Some might be wondering, what it the purpose of "conspiracy theories"? For me personally, realizing that we are lied to as a populace was the first step in my awakening process. At first there was fear, which is probably what prevents many from seeing the truth. Now there is no fear, only the realization of the Power of Light. Realizing we are completely in control of our own destiny is the last thing they want us to know. We have potential beyond what we can imagine, if only we can get out from under the thumb of these black magicians that have wormed their way into every position of real power on earth. The truth is, they have been there for a very long time, in fact eons. They create the religions and gave us the Bible. Keeping us asleep is what empowers them. WE are the "TWO WITNESSES", those two serpents on the Caduceus of Mercury. When we begin to start using our right-brain in conjunction with the left, they are done. It's time for us to take back our planet from them.

  • MrFreeze

    ProdigalSon, when did I ever say that cables were used to pull the building down? Typical CT putting words in peoples mouth. I said thats what it means to people in the demolition business when someone says to "pull it".

    Do me a favor and listen to an actual controlled demolition. If youve ever been to building demolitions like I have, loud deafening explosions can be heard when the building is imploded. In all of the eyewitness video, you cannot hear loud deafening explosions. The only sound you hear is the building coming down.

    You make a good point about 1914 and JWs, take it away and it falls. Just like the bomb theory. You still cant prove how bombs got in there. Until you do that every other point you make is worthless. They couldnt have been put in a week before. Not enough time. Couldnt have put in before because dogs woulda sniffed them out.

  • ProdigalSon

    You' ve been dancing around this for two days, and putting the onus on ME to prove everything. Okay MrFreeze, so you say that it can't be a controlled demolition, you say Silverstein meant pulling down with cables when he said "pull it", then you say you never said they used cables. OKay, so there were no bombs, and there were no cables. Then please explain to me how building 7 fell down, on command, at free fall speed, into its own footprint.

    "We made that decision to pull it, and we watched the building collapse."

  • ProdigalSon

    Just so there's no confusion on the "context" of what Silverstein said, let's put the whole quote in there:

    "I remember getting a call from the Fire Department Commander, and he told me they weren't sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. I said, you know, there's been such a terrible loss of life already, maybe the best thing to do would be to just pull it. So we made that decision to pull it, and we watched the building collapse."

    So once again, please 'splain.....

  • littlerockguy

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