Brendan the Navigator is one of the best loved of all the Celtic saints.

The story of his sea voyages has held a special fascination for every generation.Tim Severin's Brendan Voyage makes interesting reading. The voyages of adventure is an appropriate analogy of the spiritual journey that each of us is challenged to undertake. Brendan's companions notice that his heart has been stirred. He is caught by a vision. A place beyond his present shores is calling to his yearning spirit. Does he know with a certainty that he must go? 'We will go with you,' they say, 'We will journey where you journey. Your God is our God - for life or death, we follow.' Brendan climbs the mountain alone and searches his heart to test the truth of what he feels. And this was Brendan's mountain prayer:
Shall I abandon the comforts and benefits of my home,
seeking the island of promise our fathers knew long ago,
sail on the face of the deep where no riches or fame
or weapons protect you, and nobody honors your name?
Shall I take leave of my friends
and my beautiful native land,
tears in my eyes
as my knees mark my final prayer in the sand?
King of the mysteries, can I trust You on the sea?
Christ of the heavens,
and Christ of the ravenous ocean wave,
I will hold fast to my course
through the dangers I must brave.
King of the mysteries, angels will watch over me,
Christ of the mysteries, when I trust You on the sea.
Brendon's example speaks to us each:
Have I the courage to leave the familiar and journey into the unknown?
To journey beyond the way I have prayed.
The life I have lived, the sensible and the secure?
To trust God to take me beyond these familiar shores?
Lord I pray that in You,
I'll break ground both fresh and new.
As a student let me stand.
Break the hardness of the land
with your forgiving hand.
Source: Celtic Daily Prayer